Why did you start freelancing? (New job)

Hello @Andrea @Mnicol @Elida @Sumejja @tim_m @Bradford @Sean-C @Leonika @Tamar @Donnyrachy1 @Irina_Bol, thank you very much for your great work so far. Building a team entirely online is quite a challenge because nothing can replace frequent personal face-to-face interaction. We are human beings who can make the best of their intellectual and creative potential only if we bounce ideas, share stories and have fun with other human beings on a regular basis. At least that has been my experience ever since I started in freelancing the week before Easter of 1998.

Now, since we are all freelancers I would like to offer you a new job in addition to the ongoing TOEIC reading comprehension project. As part of the Project Plan for 2020 I want to create a collection of articles and essays from freelancers and independant professionals like you in which you share your story. The idea is to find out what we have in common, how we face all the challenges of freelancing differently, what we can learn from each other and how can come up with ways of Monetizing time, content, information and ideas

So, here is the job description:

Write an article or essay about your life as a freelancer. You have all the freedom as to the style and tone you use. You can write your text in the form of a story, an essay or any form in between. In your text please cover the following items (you don’t need to follow this structure and order you can start with a recent project or a challenge client, etc.)

  • Why and when did you decide to start freelancing?
  • What type of services do you offer?
  • How much of your work is remote (online)?
  • Where and how do you find your customers?
  • How do you handle your health insurance situation?
  • What do you find most challenging about freelancing?
  • What do you like most about being self-employed?
  • Would a universal basic income help your situation?
  • Have you ever thought about creating your own website or app?
  • Anything you think is relevant in connection with freelancing.

Pay rate: I suggest we base the rate per word on the conditions Textbroker offers. They charge their clients 2.7 cent per word for a 4 star text which means the writer gets paid less. However, I want offer better conditions than Textbroker and therefore add 10% to the price a client would pay on Textbroker which means you can earn 3 cents per word. Your text can have any length between 300 and 1500 words. If you have other ideas or suggestion, please let me know. textbroker_rates

I look forward to reading your stories.

PS: @Elida I think you can now invoice me via Payoneer if you like as my account is now working.
@tim_m Your ‘English For You’ workbook will go online next week.


Hi @Torsten! This sounds like a very fun project. Do you have any sort of deadline in mind? I find it easier to work when I have some kind of schedule or structure in place. If you don’t, I’ll just impose a deadline on myself :slight_smile:


Hi Sumejja, since you have excellent writing skills I’m sure you will be able to finish this job by next Friday, February 28 :wink: :+1:


Great, thanks! I’m looking forward to starting it! :+1:


Excellent, I’m looking forward to reading your story. PS: What are the chances of you adding your photo to your profile :smiley:?


Oooh I forgot. Will do it now! (I should probably take a more recent photo but never mind)


Now we’re talking :smiley: . You see, our forum is the equivalent to a fancy board meeting room where we all gather around a large oval mahogany conference table and face each other. I’m sure you wouldn’t want to hide your face, would you :wink:


The only difference between a fancy conference room and this is that you wouldn’t wear pajamas to a conference!


How have you managed to find out that I’m wearing pajamas now :rofl: ?


Hi @Torsten,

Sounds good. I’m slammed for the next two weeks with my current workload including the TOEIC tests, but I’m keen to write this kind of thing!



Hi Sean, sure you can take your time with this job since it’s an ongoing project running until the end of April.


Hi everyone, here is our first story by Mersudin from Bosnia. It’s interesting to see that the small country Bosnia has so many young talented people: Why Becoming a Freelance Writer Is One of the Best Decisions I Have Ever Made - Articles | english.best


Here is another story by Krista Wenz, an American health care instructor who has been working as a freelance technical writer on Upwork in Ecuador. Very interesting: My Freelance Life in Ecuador - Articles | english.best


Here is @hankdinh’s story who is studying in Singapore where he is freelancing via Upwork at the same time. I’m quite impressed by his writing skills and would love to know how he has been able to achieve this level of English. My life as a freelancing student - Articles | english.best


Great story by @hankdinh. I am sure a lot of students struggling to manage their expenses can relate to it.


Hi Rabat, welcome to our forum and many thanks for sharing your ideas with us too. I would be interested in hearing your thoughts on this:


Hey @Torsten, I would like to jump in on this project as well. :blush: Even though freelancing isn’t my full-time job yet, perhaps I can write from an angle that shows what it is like to be in the middle of transitioning from a 9-5 job. No guarantees that I’ll have this project done by Friday, but I can have it done within the next couple weeks!


Thank you Natalia. It’s mostly my interests for English and my love for films that helped me get this level in English.


Hi @Tamar, sure I look forward to reading your story too. In the meantime you want to take a look at Laurie’s situation which I find very challenging and interesting at the same time. Let’s think about ways how we might help Laurie make her life easier by working together as a team rather than viewing ourselves as competitors: My Life as a U.S. Based Freelancer - Articles | english.best


Hi @Torsten, thank you for the update. I think this new project is a great idea. I’m interested to read everyone’s story and hoping to learn a lot from them. I should have my piece written by early next month. :grinning: