Should I feel guilty to be an Arabic Muslim person?

Very interesting!

I have no taste of her at all. This is called backbone less.
In fine, that is why some body individually feels guilty as the thread was that!

It seems some brokers have gathered for a projected mission, never mind, Mr. Lwin excluding you and few. Forum moderators should shut off this discussion now, enough is enough.

Addled brain reactions! Good bye.

lool … Dream Hi, calm down please… it is just a discussion, let’s avoid the rough phrases like " who are you to Etc…"?

And as Mr. Lwin said let’s return to the topic…

why we should introduce ourselves as a christian or Moslem or Buddhist?..

I believe that religion is the factory of good persons. if you find one who is not good, that because there is a thing called “Workmanship errors” , there are many intruders inside that factory, and that is why the problems happen from time to time.

anyway, before you tell me what is your religion, let me see your actions.

Thank you.

You have no taste of who? That does not make sense.
What is called ‘backbone less’. Do you mean ‘having no backbone’?
‘In fine’ does not make any sense.
‘somebody’, not 'some body.
‘individually feels guilty as the thread was that.’ - what on earth does this gobbledigook mean?
‘It looks some brokers have gathered for a mission’ - at the very least you have missed out the words ‘as if’ from your sentence and ‘brokers’ is not an appropriate word there.
‘excluding you and few’ - does not make sense. You probably mean 'apart from you and a few others, however even then the sentence is incomplete.

Forum moderators should shut up this discussion now, enough is enough. - this doesn’t make sense. Are you requesting that we close the thread or are you suggesting that we do not enter into further discussion on this thread?
Adelle d brain reactions! What on earth does this mean? There are no such words as ‘adelle d’ and what’s a ‘brain reaction’?

Bev, please do me and yourself a favour and stop trying to make sense of Quazi’s drivel. He is here to provoke us and have fun doing so. I think he does understand English but he does not want to learn how to use the language. Instead, he thinks he can create his own language which resembles some sort of English based pidgin but it’s not clear who uses it except for him. Trying to correct his twaddle is a futile exercise because he is completely ignorant and doesn’t respond to any advice. Unlike all the other forum members his intention is NOT to learn English. The more attention we give him the more drivel he will produce.

TOEIC listening, photographs: The lone walker

Hi Jamil,

I was not “produced” by religion. I’m a nonbeliever. Do you believe I’m a bad person?


Oh no at all, you are very good person.

School is a place to teach people but we can’t deny that there are many of educated people who didn’t go any school, that was a simple example…

I don’t say I was nonbeliever too, but at least I was in a circle of doubt, very long time.

Every person is a ‘believer’. We all believe in something. Some of us believe that there is a god or that there are several gods. The ancient Greek were convinced that there were dozens of gods if not hundreds. Interestingly enough, people in certain countries have certain beliefs depending on the country they grew up in. For example, if you grew up in Northern Ireland it’s highly likely that you believe in the story of Jesus Christ. When I grew up in a Muslim country you most certainly believe in story of Allah. Now, if you are a Muslim can you imagine what you would believe in today if were born in Ireland? So it seems that what you believe pretty much depends on where you grow up.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Hill biking[YSaerTTEW443543]

That is correct in general but how do you explain the high amount of converting from one religion to another. Especially, converting to Islam what makes many countries to pay attention towards this phenomenon and trying to stop fast extention of islam. We know that people have their own believes but the god must be one. Maybe my belief is opposite to others but in the end one belief will be right and only one god worths worship.

On the other hand, my religion is my identity and doesn’t prevent me to be friend to someone from another religion. It’s like clothes. Will you hit me on the street if my clothes were not good in your eyes? We can live in one house and one room and work for the same company with different religions and different cultures and having different skin colors, may we don’t have even one thing in common. I like you and you like me and we enjoy sharing ourlves and jobs without fanaticism or enmity.

A burnt child fears the fire. Many famous terrorists claimed that they were Muslims. They killed innocent people in the name of their God. How can you expect everyone to treat Islam and the other religions equally?


Thank you, Jamil. I was hoping you would think that way. :slight_smile:

With me, it was the other way around. But I realized that religion is not for me, and it makes no matter which one it is.


As strange as this may seem, but I truly do not believe in anything. I know that is very hard for a lot of people to understand, but I do not believe in any higher being(s) at all, despite the many and various influences I’ve had in my life.


Claudia, you certainly believe in yourself, don’t you?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: On parade[YSaerTTEW443543]

But I’m not a higher being, although sometimes I wish I were. :slight_smile:


I don’t think there are any ‘higher’ beings, just us mortal earthlings.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Fast food in South America[YSaerTTEW443543]

Mohammed said… religion is the good treatment with people…

see how the religion is easy?
you do that in your special life… don’t you?

so you work, out of the regular jobs, that means you are businesswoman.that means you are not going to have your retirement benefits, because you were working ( as we said) out of the regular jobs.
you can’t live happily if you have no spiritual side, it is instinct, you may practise your instinct in your special way, you feed this side by something else, but you do it whether you know it or you didn’t.

some people like to work freely… but day by day, they discover that the business is not easy, it is more difficult than the other work, it may cause the migraine to you…

He said that, but that doesn’t mean that I have to agree with him. People don’t need to be religious to be able to treat others well. Nor do I agree that religion treats people well. On the contrary! There is a lot of bias in all forms of religion.

If religion were easy, people wouldn’t waste their time bickering over and fighting for “their” religion.

Do you mean that as a parable?

I couldn’t live happily if I had to live by any doctrines. Spiritual doesn’t necessarily mean deific or supernatural.

Absolutely! Good and evil comes from within. This is why so many religious people do bad things despite all the guidance and teachings they receive from their Gods and prophets.

Of course Atheists, too, have morals, but without the need to believe in deities, higher beings, the supernatural and the afterlife.

Believing is not knowing. Education is the learning of facts and experience. Learning based on a belief is speculation. Intelligence is not based on how much a person knows; it is the ability to evaluate and reevaluate oneself and one’s opinions. You are right, Jamil, a lot of people find this very difficult to do. But look on the bright side: if life is giving you headaches, at least you know your brain is working. :slight_smile:


Of course, you are right Cluadia. You have the civil right to live yourself whether you
be a believer in any religion or not.

When you have raised this question, doesn’t it mean at least you have few fervor about this subject?

If I were in your place I could read every religion’s preachers biography why they preach
themselves and why, at least they are all very much famous compare we are all here!

I am sure you know European renaissances came just this way


(This writing is rudimentary or abstract type that necessarily makes no sense time to time,Sorry for that.)

I’m not sure if I’ve raised a question with that statement, but I have a fervor for many different subjects.

If you were in my place, you would be completely different from what you are now.

I’m sorry to disappoint you there, but the Renaissance was not brought about by religious preachers.


Claudia said:

No, I didn’t mean religious preachers brought about Renaissance rather I wanted to mean, that time religious oppression was too much that educated people started to read all sacred books to know the gist what they(sacred books) wanted to say instead of believing the church only!

(This writing is rudimentary or abstract type that necessarily makes no sense time to time,Sorry for that.)

Oh, okay. I misunderstood you then.

Religious oppression was just as vehement, if not even more so, in the Renaissance than it was in the Middle Ages (the witch-hunt happened in the Renaissance, not as always noted, in the Middle Ages, same goes for the Spanish Inquisition). The word “Renaissance” is, in my opinion, a misnomer. People who lived during the Renaissance never referred to themselves as such, since the term wasn’t used for this era until the 19th century. One of the major differences between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance is that the people in the Middle Ages were more focused on their community, while the people in the Renaissance centered their goals on their “new-found” self. There were scholars who questioned the scriptures and teachings of the church in both eras. They never doubted the existence of God, mind you, but they did not always agree with everything the church said and kept searching for the gist, as you so eloquently put it, of the texts. Great examples are the English scholar Roger Bacon and the friar William of Ockham. In Germany, we had the famous nun Hildegard von Bingen. There is no definite line that separates and sets apart the Renaissance from the Middle Ages. The thinkers of the Middle Ages arose from the thinkers of Antiquity, and the thinkers of the Renaissance arose from the thinkers of the Middle Ages, focusing especially on the thinkers of Antiquity.
