Where are you from?

Hello everybody hope you are OK and enjoy your time .I’m really very glad to be a member of the prescribers of this very nice site , and its a suitable time to thank my best friend MR teufelchen for his great subject . Regard to the above subject its really a great thing to know each other which will enable us to exchange experience and to visit each other and make very strong friendship . so lets define my self first I’m Sameer from Yemen its a democratic country we are running in this days with politics crises to change the regime which we have had since 33 years and hope Allah to help us to exceed this problem and build our new Yemen country . I’m currently work and live in Sana’a our capital city and in the near future I’m going to Khrtoom the capital of Sudan country for business purpose.
Thanks for your time to read this words



i am from romania.i am 31 years old.i learn very fast and easily with your help.
thank you very much for your time.

have nice days

Good morning everybody!
I’m from Madura island. It’s in Indonesia. Madura has a lot of attractive cultures. one of them is bull race. well, thanks a lot for Mr. Torsten! bye…

I’m from Dracula’s land, Romania, Banat county.

hi all I"m afreshman here but I feel good with yuo

I"m from Cairo Egypt. I"m a buss driver

I come from Viet Nam, a small, beautiful country. I love English but my skills haven’t been good yet. I really want to communicate with those who are native and non-native English speakers also.


good morning every on.I am Nisho from pakista. i am 19 years old.I live in very beautiful country pakistan. so i want to invite my interest fellows to visited our country. the pakistani people are very hospitable and very loving people so please come and see the very beautyful pakistan.

Hello.Dear Torsten Daerr.
I am Sofiya.I am from Uzbekistan.I want to tell more about myself.and know about you.I have already sent 7 messages on the forum but you did not answer me.

Hello everybpdy from Istanbul,
I think this site is quite good to improve language skill but to know eachother is the effective way also. :)) My name is Melis and live in Turkey. Here is like a europian country and lifestyle is not so far from eu countries. What you want to learn about our cultures I can try to tell and so we could practice more and more anyway. Let us be friend…

Hello everybody;
I’m from Iran, a big country in the middle east. I would like to be friend with someone from other contries. I want to know their cultures and practice english everyday.

Hello everyboby.
I am Sofiya. I think it is a good place to meet with each other excep our lessons.I am from sunny Uzbekistan.I want to be a friend with you.
Thank you for attention.

Hi Salmonella. This is Mustapha. First I am sorry for being too late to tell you about how I overcame my obstacles in learning English. I just want you to know that learning English doesn’t mean only knowing how to read it and write it. The two important parts in English are speaking and listening. The problem in English is pronunciation as you know this language is full with exception and there are few rules how to pronounce the words, these rules are very particulars. Reading and writing a language without speaking it (understanding what others tell you and what you are telling them), it doesn’t make any sense at all. In order to pick up the correct pronunciation you have to talk with native-speakers. If you don’t have the opportunity to talk without native speakers, try to listen to them regularly through TV channels, radio, Internet, IPod… I know many people who were teachers of English in their countries, but when they came here they couldn’t communicate with people around them.
Good luck and have a nice day

Hello, everyone!

I’m Sanya, and I’m from China.

I live in a city in Southwest China. The weather in my hometwon is warm like spring all year around. In summer, it always rains, but stops quickly. When it is clear, you can enjoy the clean air and sunshine. Because the abundant of sunshine, the fruits in my hometown are very delicious. In winter, it is not too cold. It seems that there is no winter in my hometow for the Northerners. It seldom snows you know.

I keep a pet dog whose name is flower. Every morning she wakes me up at about 6:30 and I bring her out to play… She is a very lovely dog even though some people think she is not. It is true that my dog likes barking at people she dislikes and the unusual sound. She is a Chinese rural dog, but in my eyes she is an expensive pet dog.
Every time when she is chasing other dogs which are much bigger than her, you can see her courage and cleverness. She is 8 months old now.

OK, it’s time to have lunch now. Bye for now!

Coincidence, i’m also Chinese.
Nice to meet you!

I’m from Kurdistan .

Hi there,

I am Meng and am working on a Diploma Tesol assignment.

Looking for someone who have taken similar course to discuss some questions.

Thank you.

I’m really interested in Romania. The language is fascinating and beautiful!

I’m an American who grew up in small town America. I literally lived in an area with “Cowboys and Indians” (Native American Indians, not Indians from India). The town I grew up in is basically a large farming community surrounded by rolling wheat fields. I also lived for a short while on a Native American Reservation and in a bigger city. Just over 8 years ago I moved to The Netherlands, a tiny country along the west coast of Europe. I love talking with people from different lifestyles, cultures, religions and learning about our similarities and differences.