What does 'I wonder' mean?

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-20 “Where am I?”, question 1

Excuse me I if you can help me.

(a) expect
(b) hope
(c) believe
(d) wonder

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-20 “Where am I?”, answer 1

Excuse me I wonder if you can help me.

Correct answer: (d) wonder


why wonder?


Wonder in this sentence means literally I ask myself or I am curious to know. It expresses the idea that you are anxious to know something.

Dear Alan and friends,

Anyway, what’re the differences between 'hope" and “expect”?

Thanks in advance and I hope to see the answer soon.

Best wishes,

Made Sariada

Is it correct to say: I wonder if you could help me? Because could is a more polite way to ask than can. Or am I wrong?

You are right: ‘could’ is more formal and polite than ‘can’.

Does this mean that we can use both can and could in this sentence?

Yes, either ‘can’ or ‘could’ can be used here.

let’s say am not sure the person really know the place and am thinking if he or she can help me

I am not a teacher but how about –

  1. Excuse me, I wonder if you could help me with this address.

  2. Could you please help me with this address?

i still confused about why can we ues ‘HOPE’ in this sentence?
is ‘WONDER’ mean 'want to know?'and ‘HOPE’ mean ‘I want to you give me a hand?’
could you guys givmi more specific explain? thx!!


Back to the test sentence - you wouldn’t say: ‘I hope if you can …’. That therefore removes ‘hope’ from the possible answers. If I say: I hope you can help me’, it would be in response to: Can I help you?.

If you begin a sentence ‘I wonder if you …’, you are about to make a polite request.


thank for your explain!
i think i got it

thank fỏ your explain!but i think simple that the mean of this sentence is better when we use “wonder”

Your sentence should read ‘thank you for your explanation’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEFL listening discussions: What is Dr Schmidt researching?[YSaerTTEW443543]

OMG~how can i make this kind mistake…
“your” is a ‘pronoun’, so ‘noun’ have to put behind it.

I’m wondering that , the wolrd needs so much peopel like you :lol:

Hi Torsten
I think this is my second messege from the beginning of start to learning English for you.as you said,asking is a best way for lerning and understanding evry language. Now I want tell me the defrnces of" believe"and"wonder" in question 1

Best wishes,

Hi Hassanj,

Please take a look at this: Wonder[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: An exotic performer[YSaerTTEW443543]

it’s perfect sentence abt wonder, could & Can.

I want to know about the different between expect, wonder, hope and believe when we use all of it with if