Unit 2 - BE-Verb
Now that you know the personal pronouns you can make your first sentences in English. All you need is the BE-Verb in the correct form:
I [color=blue]am
you [color=blue]are
she [color=blue]is
he [color=blue]is
it [color=blue]is
we [color=blue]are
you [color=blue]are
they [color=blue]are
English is a compact language. Many words have short forms. Below you’ll see the short forms of the be-verb.
Are you ready for more? Here comes the negative:
I am [color=red]not
you are [color=red]not
she is [color=red]not
he is [color=red]not
it is [color=red]not
we are [color=red]not
you are [color=red]not
they are [color=red]not
That was easy, wasn’t it? Now, the short forms of the be-verb negative:
I’[color=red]m not
you’[color=red]re not
she’[color=red]s not
he’[color=red]s not
it’[color=red]s not
we’[color=red]re not
you’[color=red]re not
they’[color=red]re not
We’ll we aren’t through yet. There are two short forms of the be-verb negative. Here’s the second one:
I’m not (same as the first one)
you [color=red]aren’t
she [color=red]isn’t
he [color=red]isn’t
it [color=red]isn’t
we [color=red]aren’t
you [color=red]aren’t
they [color=red]aren’t
A lot of grammar, isn’t it? No worries, in Unit 3 you will already be able to create your personal profile…[YSaerTTEW443543]
TOEIC listening, photographs: New construction[YSaerTTEW443543]