TOEIC Simulator in exam mode?

it is useful

I could not find any exam can you help me please?

Thanks for new challange! Now I understand how should be the real TOEIC test.

my teacher i appreciate your effort for me to improve in English i most say i am happy for that god we reword you according to your heart . i am have problem with spelling please i want you assist me on that .i we be glad to hear from you my teacher .i am waiting for your reply

when I want to enter the exam ı just see like this thing …There is no question or exam?
Question nr. 1 is empty.
Question nr. 2 is empty.

Hi Torsten,

Unfortunately I’m having the same problem with the link as everyone else. Otherwise, the idea is great!
Thank you in advance for your consideration.


Dear Mr. Torsten,
Thank you for your email. I know about TOEIC . Your lessons are very useful. I am trying to finish this feature and it is really interesting and useful.

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for all your useful feedback. Yes we are aware that some of you can’t open the test and we’ll fix it soon. As you know, this is the only free TOEIC Simulator worldwide and we are very glad that you are part of this exciting project! So far, quite a number of you have taken the test and you can see the current results here:

Please tell us what else we should change and improve. For example, how do you like the timer and the ‘next question’ button? What do you think of the overall layout of the pages, especially the navigation and functionality?

You can support this project by emailing the following address to your friends along with a request to take the test and give us feedback:

TOEIC listening, question-response: Where will the convention be held this year?

Dear Sir

I am very happy to know that TOEIC is conducting Simulator I exam for
TOEIC learners. Can I have the model question paper? I want to know
whether it is obective type question model or descriptive type or both.

Please let me know the details immediately.
Thank you


Thanks so much, i will try

how can you prepare an onteresting questionare

I am sorry for not being able to open the TOEIC Simulator test. I am looking forward to be one part of this exciting test.

Have a wonderful day!

Hello Torsten,thank you for all the lessons.I try now the simulator,I haven’t enough time to finish the test now , but it’s very very good.It works with ‘reseat’.I hope I’ll try again in the evening when I have more time. Thanks and best regards, Katalina

I’ve been trying to as suggested but could not start the test. It may bebecause I’m working on an office pc?

Thank you very much for this test. I can not wait to try it. I hope I do it well.

Hello everybody,
we found the problem, why some users couldn’t start the test. It should be solved now :slight_smile:
If you get a question whether you want to reset the test, you can do this and the test will be started from the beginning.
For everyone, who starts the test first this should not happen again.
Please test and tell us if you find more mistakes, so we can fix them.
Good luck with the test!

Well, I tried, is quite long, and I had to go out…What happen now? The test I did is saved, or I have to start again from the very beginning?

Hi everyone I just finished the TOEIC exam, which was good. How do I interpret my score?

Hello to everyone,
Hello Torsten,

Thank you to give me an opportunity to have such useful experience. I have just finished the test, my score is not so comforting, but I console myself as phone calls distract me during all time of the test. About changing and improvement mentioned by you, maybe the “next” button could be larger, and in my opinion it would be better to see how many questions left. Please write the maximum available score of the test.
Thank you again.
Good luck!

thank you very much!