TOEFL speaking task- looking for advice

Since the failure of uploading MP3 file, I save my voice recording to google drive.

The question and link can be found below.

Type: Agree & Disagree

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “People should be fined when they do not wear masks during a pandemic.” Be sure to use details during your response.


Just sent you an access request.


I approved it. Can you access now?


Yes, here is your recording. Your pronunciation is clear and easy to understand. You have done a good job.

If you want to improve your speaking skills even more, you might want to consider this method:


Thank you so much. I will try it!

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Sure, if you’d like, next week we can also talk about Google Meet so you can practice your speaking skills in real time.

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That’s sounds great. But I am not sure if my VPN and wifi are stable enough.

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We’ll find a solutions for those technical issues.

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Are we going to talk about the topic Covid-19? or other topics?

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We can talk about anything you think is useful and productive.