Speak spontaneously!

Hello José,

Hello Megan

As the world is small, isn’t it? Thanks for yourmessage,but I dare reply writing, asmymic is ‘letting me down’. Where do you live? I have been a subscriber of Speak Up since the year 1989, and my collection should be complete, but I lent some issues…
Tell me the issue you are looing for. Imust have it. Have a great week. Hugs.

The Letters section of Speak Up of some months ago has some comments of the editors ‘talking about’ relaunching’ the old recordings. Whatever happens, I will let you know. Dudley Moore… I will have a look at my magazines. Wish me good luck. -:)-:)-:slight_smile: Bye for now. .

It looks like looking for a needle in a hay stack, so do you have any idea when tha issue with Dudley Moore came out? Thanks , and bye for now. See you here and then.

Hello Maurice,


Flower - flour - on the tip of your tongue

Hello Kati

I had to laugh when I got your post and realised that there was a typo in my reply so that I wrote flower instead of flour… thanks for bringing it to my attention!:slight_smile:

As for “moulin”: next time, please ask me via SMS, I might know a French word like this one.

I know the feeling very well when you try to think of something but it won’t come…:frowning: It’s very frustrating, but, as my mother always says, you can’t force your brain to come up with a word - and if you try it will immediately go on strike!

Thanks for the explanation of wholemeal flour, containing the whole grain of the wheat, including the husk…:slight_smile: In Switzerland, this kind of flour is often of a brownish colour, but it’s not rice flour, I guess I never eat that sort of flour yet. Did you?

Have a nice day, and thanks for your compliment on the Skype Session. It’s always a pleasure for me and there is so much to learn from these 2 hours, it’s just incredibble and amazing!

Cheers Urs

Hello Mauricio:):):slight_smile:

Hello Urs,

I’ve laughed that you made a typo but in this way I found a new homophone. I am collecting the homophones.

I know the feeling when a name, a word don’t come into my mind - with age is very frequent appearance.

I agree with your mother that we can’t force our brain to come up with a word - and even if we try, it will immediately go on strike! Sonner it emerges if we allow it pass .

It is true. Only there is a snag in it, when you should speak fluently in a foreign language, and if you get a complete metal block with a concrete word that you can’t specify - " within 5 minutes" -it is a tragedy. Not on a Skype session but when you should fluently interpret.

I say to my husband when we go somewhere by car, and we are talking, and sth doesn’t come into our mind -only after an hour - I say always to him: See you at a translation it wouldn’t have been consoling that the word had come into my mind after an hour when I needed it immediately .

There is wholemeal flour white and eggshell-coloured. The white is used for the cakes the other is used for bread by the bakers, and the colour of bread is brownish.

We eat the wholemeal bread not to keep our health as we didn’t have it anymore. I have to do a dietetic kitchen . We would love very much the genuine white wheat bread.

Take care,

Gardening idioms

Your score:
6 of 6

[b]1:[/b]	 Her guilty behaviour sowed the __________ of suspicion in their minds.=[b]Her guilty behaviour sowed the seeds of suspicion in their minds.[/b]	
  	The possible answers were:

Seed pods

You said: seeds
This is the correct answer. ‘To sow the seeds of suspicion’= means ‘to do or say something that makes other people suspect you of something’.

[b]2:[/b]	 Stop trying to justify yourself! No one believes you and you're just digging  yourself into a hole.=[b]Stop trying to justify yourself! No one believes you and you're just digging yourself into a hole'	[/b]
  	The possible answers were:

A man using a spade

You said: digging
This is the correct answer. ‘To dig yourself into a hole’= means ‘to make things worse for yourself’. If you want to make fun of someone who is actively making things worse for themselves, you can say, ‘keep digging!’

[b]3:[/b]	 She's so annoying! That last remark she made was definitely a dig ...me.=She's so annoying! [b]That last remark she made was definitely a dig at me.[/b]	
  	The possible answers were:

Someone digging

You said: at
This is the correct answer. Well done! ‘To have a dig at someone’ means= ‘to say something indirectly to someone, with the intention of annoying them’.

[b]4:[/b]	 He used to be so handsome but look at him now! [b]He's really let himself go to seed.	[/b]
  	The possible answers were:

up for seed
go to seed
in to seed
go to weed

You said: go to seed
This is correct. ‘To go to seed’=means 'to stop caring about your health and appearance’.

[b]5:[/b]	 [b]I tried to explain, but it was like water off  a duck's back[/b]. He just didn't listen to a word I said!	
  	The possible answers were:

water in a duck’s back
water off a duck’s tail
water off a bird’s back
water off a duck’s back
A duck

You said: water off a duck’s back
This is the correct answer. Well done! ‘Water off a duck’s back’ = means that what someone says has no effect on the person they are talking to.

[b]6:[/b]	 As soon as you approve the idea, I'll start making plans.[b] I'm not one to let the grass grow under my feet.	[/b]
  	The possible answers were:

let the flowers grow under my feet
let the grass grow under my feet
let the grass be crushed by my feet
let the plants grow under my feet
Someone standing on a lawn

You said: let the grass grow under my feet
This is correct. Well done! If you let the grass grow under your feet, =you delay taking action.


Hello Mauricio
To wellcome you back, I send you a piece of Choir Music that I’m very much impressed and moved by.
It is sung by the Amadeus Choir.
Here is a link to their homepage were you will be able to listen to the first part of it:
amadeuschor.de/diskografie/m … -romantik/
Please click on the green play button.
Unfortanely, I could not post you the whole piece - I will have to ask someone how this can be done. Hope to achieve this in due time!
Have a nice day!

Hello Mauricio
When I myself browsed through the homepage of the Amadeus Choir, I found one of the pieces that we sang in our last concert too.

You can find it by using the following link:
amadeuschor.de/diskografie/a … chormusik/
Then go to Amerikanische Chormusik, and then it’s the second piece called “Lux Aurumque” by Eric Whitacre…

I have no idea if you like such A capella Choir Music - if not, please forgive me, it’s just what I like very much :):):).

But, as I said about books, my taste is not limited at all - what kind of music do you like?

Hope to hear from you soon.


Hello Kati
After sending this post, I will try to do the folloving.

  • I will send a test post number 1 and delete it again right after posting it.
  • I will send a test post number 2 and I will let that stay there for a day or 2. Please use my link to get to it.
    I’m curious to know if I can still delete it after you have seen it.

Have a nice day, all the same:)


Hello Kati

I think I found the solution:


So if you want to delete several posts, you should start with the very last.

Please try!

After deleting that last post, you can go the former post - and you’ll see, there is an x-button you can push:):):slight_smile:


I hope you’re doing fine.

In order to practice speaking, here goes another ‘new’ passage, from our friend Allan. My objective is seeing how my accent will go. I hope my voice will be understable this time. Have a great Sunday. Hugs (Brazilian way)

the place was so clean that you could almost eat off the plates… -:slight_smile: -:)-:slight_smile:

Hello José
I had to laugh so much when I listened to your last post “from Brazil” - indeed, you have a very dry sense of humour - congratulation!:slight_smile: Such posts are most welcome and appreciated here - so, please, send some more like this one, José…!!
“Cheese” Urs


To my great surprise English doesn’t make the difference between the fish: pike and pikeperch.

They differ from each other in their taste, the colour of their flesh, the pike has lot of fish-bones the pikeperch has almost any fish-bones.

Their preparation is different. The pikeperch is very delicious baked in the oven. The pike is prepared as a stew. Or stuffed with spicy stuffing which neutralize its strong taste.

Their Latin name is different also.

Pike:essox lucius
pikeperch :stizostendion lucioperca

The teeth of the pike are so sharp that long time ago the people fixed on a rod and used for a weapon.When you clean the pike very easily can hurt your hand with its sharp teeth.


head of the pike:


Why do I wrote this? Because my husband caught a pikeperch, and I looked up its English name and it was written: pike . I knew the word pike. I look for on other places on the Word Reference also where I found the above sentence in quotation marks.

Here is the perch which can be small about between 10-20 cm.

Hello, dear friend Evylinda!

How good was the Skype Session - Sunday, October 27th, 2013 - with the Topic - Cooking?

Many new recipes have been prepared?
Did you know…

Don’t forget send me some recipes. Thanks!
Best wishes,
Hensiq (Henrique Siqueira)

Hello Mauricio! How are you doing?

I hope all is well with you and your loved ones!

How long have we do not communicate, and this…

A big hug,
Henrique Siqueira