Speak spontaneously!


Many thanks for deleting the double posts. I tried to do my utmost and to take many hours to delete them but I received the answer that you couldn’t delete other’s post

It was a surprise that they disappeared I didn’t want to come to this thread and see my failure.

Really I don’t know why this happens to me? How could I avoid it?


Hello Kati
No, no, you’re not the only one who receives messages like “you can’t delete other’s posts” even if you are 100% sure (and right you are about that!) that it was your own post you tried to delete - it happens to everyone once in a while…
In such cases, I just try again and then it works most of the time.
Thanks for the “hit - expressions”:):).
By the way: In cases when you type in a message and after pushing the send button are asked to log in (again!?!), then you can go back to message by using the “arrow back” on the top left side of the window of your internet browser, and get a chance to at least copy what you have written before and send the text in a new post…
The program does not work perfectly all the time - so to know some tricks might be helpful:)
Cheers Urs

Hello Urs,

Many thanks for your help. I have always a bad luck with my posts. I am afraid to send a post because several times it happened to me that I try to send one single post and took me 3 hours. This happened yesterday night that my post went through 3 times. As I try to do my utmost to delete them but I failed. I felt worn-out, and I turn off my laptop at 1 o’clock am.

Now I will collect your pieces of advice about the computer. My question would be if you can write it to me how to delete my own post -as you had written that I could delete them.

Good night.

Hello Megan,

My name is Galya. I would like to take part in this project too. I like English very much and my dream is to speak fluently.

I learn English every day: I read books and listen to English songs. I am interested in British and American culture too.

Best wishes,

Hello Kati
You asked me how you can delete your own posts.

Hello Urs,

First many thanks for your help. Secondly your explanation and pronunciation is very clear but I perhaps misunderstood something.

I don’t wish you to write down what you had said to me. I copy it, and you can copy my letter and please to correct where I have mistaken.

I heard this:
How you can delete your own post? So here is the description.
Normally you write your post -in a specially known -then press either “send” button or “record” button and by the index (?) are you changed back to the normal your value set where you can see your own post or the others.

Then please how to look on the right upper side of your own post, there you can find on other … and your user name. There is a small button with an “x” on it. So there is your aim that you have got on, there is a small button next on it.

After that there is the “edit” button … that record button on microphone the red one, so if you see you have same paused twice in our thread anyone can go that “x” button. Push it and you will asked you want to leave your post…(?)

But it is to know soon as you have and someone else has listened to your recording.
Then you can’t find that expand any more.

So please to note not leave your post right away someone else listen to them.

Dear Urs, I think that I misunderstood some words or I omitted some ones.

As you encouraged me if I didn’t understand something :“please to get to me.”

I am really sorry that I have to disturb you again with this letter, and I revealed my difficulty in understanding.

Many thanks.



Ok, Kati, that’s a very good idea!

Here is your text, I copied it in, and I will only replace something when neccessary.

I will put your former text in brakets, and I’ll write mine in CAPITALS, ok?

There we go:

how you can delete your own postS. So here is the description.

Normally, you write your post in a special (ly known) WINDOW - AND then press either THE “send” button or THE “record” button. And by (the index (?)) DOING THAT (are) you change (d) back to the normal (your value set) VIEW OF OUR THREAD where you can see your own post (or) AND ALL the others.

Then please (how) HAVE A (to) look on the right upper side of your own post, there you can find (on other) YOUR OWN AVATAR (…) and your user name. NEXT TO YOUR USERNAME there is a small button with an “x” on it. So there is your (aim) NAME AND THEN you have got (on) ONE YELLOW STAR, AND THEN there is a small button (next) WITH AN X on it.

After that there is the “edit” button AND STILL AFTER that THE record button WITH (on) THE microphone, the red one.

So, if you see THAT you have THE same POST (paused) twice in our thread THEN (anyone) YOU can go TO that “x” button, Push it and you’RE asked IF you want to (leave) DELETE your post (?) AND THEN YOU CAN DO THAT.

But it is to know: AS soon as you have POSTED and someone else has listened to your recording, then you can’t find that (expand) X-BUTTON any more. SO, PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU HAVE TO DELETE YOUR POSTS RIGHT AWAY BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE HAS LISTENED TO THEM.


By the way, Kati. Do you know that you can download the mp3 file?
For me, it’s much easier to listen to a recording, because I can always go back to what I didn’t understand…

I wish you a nice weekend!



Hello Urs,

Many thanks and I am very grateful to you. Unfortunately I’ve made more mistakes as I thought.

But now I will listen to your record and it will be a very good listening practice to me.

I feel some slow improvement in my listening. I have to practice it.

You are a very unselfish and helpful friend. Don’t worry I won’t take advantage of your good nature.

Many, many, many thanks:

Dear friends,

I have been as busy as a bee, but I have been able to follow your recent post. Tonight I’m gonna read an article of Speak Up 288, 'Keeping the Right Distance". It is an upper intermediate reading. Hope you’ll enjoy it.

See you tomorrow morning, our first day of our ‘summer time’ as our watches will be one hour ahead. It will be a problem as I will have less time to participate in the next free Skype chats.

Anyways, have a great Sunday

sorry for the background noise, but I think I found its origin.It comes from the wire of my microphone, which is really tight and it is ‘folded’ in. Alsothemicwas ‘distant’ from my mouth in some part of my recording. Again, thanks for your recent posts. Keep it up.

To the #1840 permalink

hit the buffers
(informal) if a plan, somebody’s career, etc.hits the buffers, it suddenly stops being successful.

The former tennis star’s comeback trail hit the buffers yesterday when she lost in straight sets.

hit the skids= to decline; to decrease in value or status
Jed hit the skids when he started drinking.
The firm hit the skids when the dollar collapsed.

put the skids under someone or something= (sl)to cause someone or something to fail/to stop sb/sth from being successful

Her lateness put the skids under our presentation to the board of directors.
He thought he could get promoted if he put the skids under the vice president.

be on the skids (informal)= to be on bad situation that will get worse

I hear their space programme is on the skids.

The government was on the skids for months before the election.

Dear Jose,

I would be very curious of the article of Speak Up 288, 'Keeping the Right Distance" but the record was unfortunately under the threshold of hearing.

It is very interesting to read that your watch had been set in “summer time” and our watch will set soon in"winter time".

Last week the trees and bushes were green and today we went countryside and we were amazed that during the last week the leaves became yellow, red, brawn and on our walnut tree shed its leaves.

Take care,

Dear José
That is such an interesting article you read out loud for us - but at the same time very difficult to listen to…
Please try to enhance the loudness of your microphone, it almost certainly has nothing to do with your cable that is “crumpeled”, so I suggest some things that you could try out in this post:).
Could you be so kind as to read the article once more then in case you could successfully adjust your microphone?
Have a great day, and I hope to see you soon.

Hello Kati
I very much liked your sentence: “You are a very unselfish and helpful friend. Don’t worry I won’t take advantage of your good nature.”

But, I dare say, Kati, if you go back to the posts you have sent ME, than I still owe you some favours, actually, and I’ll feel happy to be of help, and I will be pleased and try to back you up when it’s about enhancing your listening skills.

This is one of the most difficult tasks, endeed…

Personally, I listened to a lot of audiobooks in the past - and as soon as I got used to the speaker and got the “big picture” of what the book was all about, I really began to enjoy the story without getting too tired - and I liked that, because reading a book is sometimes tiresome to me because of my eyesight, so I caught two birds with one shot:)

We have a lot of audiobooks on stock in my town’s library - crimis, fiction, classic books… you name it. Have you got such an opportunity in Budapest too? Some of the audiobooks you can even find online and for free…

Have a nice Sunday, hope to see you soon.

Yours Urs

I think I need to shout on my mic. I have found another interesting article in the same Speak Up issue. Let’s see how it will play out. Thanks again and have a great week.

Bye the way, I’m laughing at your last ten pages of writing. You are becoming an eager beaver English student, aren’t you? hehehehehe

I think I need to shout on my mic. I have found another interesting article in the same Speak Up issue. Let’s see how it will play out. Thanks again and have a great week.

By the way, I’m laughing at your last ten pages of writing. You are becoming an eager beaver English student, aren’t you? hehehehehe

I think I need to shout on my mic. I have found another interesting article in the same Speak Up issue. Let’s see how it will play out. Thanks again and have a great week.

By the way, I’m laughing at your last ten pages of writing. You are becoming an eager beaver English student, aren’t you? hehehehehe

Hello Urs,

Congratulate on your Skype session! I was very inhibited after that I forgot my lines and I didn’t reckon that the word what was on the tip of my langue but I couldn’t recall: Wholemeal flour There are bread made of wholemeal flour which contains the whole grain of the wheat, including the husk.=( the outer covering of the grain)

I was surprised that you wrote to me “flower”? After I wanted to explain but this word “mill” didn’t came into my mind only I said in myself: ‘moulin’ in French. Because of this I came to a sudden stop and I couldn’t tell what I know about this topic. As we have to live and eat very healthily I could have to talk about lot of things what I would have known. Bad luck!

But I realised from your remark that flower and flour are homophone words.

flower [ˈflaʊə] and flour [flaʊə]

So we don’t eat ‘white flowers’ but wholemeal flour which is the white flour of wheat and not a rice flour which is brawn.

Take care,

Hello Kati

Hello Urs,