Speak spontaneously!

Hello Kati and Urs,

How good is listen to from you two talking along about those splendid Art works!..

…Bellow, the main works of " Aleijadinho " and some photo of his works:

  • Altarpiece of the chancel of the Church of San Francisco in São João del Rei

  • Altarpiece of the Church of St. Francis of Assisi in Ouro Preto

  • Altarpiece of the Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Ouro Preto


  • Projects facades of two churches ( Church of San Francisco in São João del Rei and Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Ouro Preto ) .


  • Set sculptures the Sanctuary of Bom Jesus de Matosinhos ( including the best known : " The Twelve Prophets " ).


This is a little bit of the Arts and Artists of my country, Brazil!

See you soon.
Henrique Siqueira

Here, some observations from a Canadian friend, who is ‘coincidentally enough’, a Pastor of a Baptist Church. Also, an article from GotQuestions?Org. Food for thought, and I appreciate your attention. Have a great weekend.

Tomorrow a different article about the ‘f’ word. ha!-:)-:)-:slight_smile:

That’s the end of the article “Should Christianscelebrate Halloween? ’ We can’t allow our own convictions about a holiday to cause division in the body of Christ, nor can we use our freedom to cause others to stumble in their faith. We are to do all things as to the Lord”.That’sall for now folks. See you tomorrow here and then.

Hello José
Food for thoughts is what you provide - thanks a lot! It’s very interesting what I could learn from your post about Halloween.
Here some of my oppinions about it…
Have a nice day - hope to hear you soon!
Cheers Urs

Part two
Cheers Urs

Dear Urs,

Sincere thanks for your attentive following.

You are a real Swiss gentleman. Keep it up.

Another ‘food for thought’, this time not a serious one.

Enjoy my recording. Have a great Sunday.

Hugs (Brazilian way). LOL

some mistakes, …misspelt Anglo-Saxon word… @$#% f*%! I know @ $% Speak Up issue 288, written by William Sutton. Thanks for your attention. -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile: -:slight_smile: I think that my reading is improving, that’s the most important fucking thing. Your frigging Brazilian friend. gr8

Hello José

Thanks for some new words, here they come:

a word or phrase used to avoid saying an unpleasant or offensive word:
‘Senior citizen’ is a euphemism for ‘old person’.

frig about/around phrasal verb SLANG
to behave stupidly:
Stop frigging about, will you!

[before noun], adverb OFFENSIVE
used to give more force to an expression of annoyance or anger:
You frigging idiot!

@$#% f*%!:
Sorry, Josè, no idea, couldn’t find it…:frowning:

Cheers Urs

Hello my friends
Here come two pictures of the Kermes in Basilea, or, like we say “the Basler Fasnacht”.

Have a nice evening


Hello Hensiq,

Hi Urs,

How are you? I hope you’re doing fine, being peppy. -:slight_smile:

Needless to say, you are one of my best English students. ha! I’m not playing around. Last, but not least, enjoy this “Hacked off” from Hot English issue nr. 8.

Have a great and very pleasant week.

Bye for now.


April, Portuguese, not English. hehehehehee have agreat week.

FromSpeak Up # 315

Hope you like it.

Have a great Wednesday.

My dearest friend Evylinda,

Understanding that moment of your suffering and all those who go through this difficult moment in the Philippines, I’m here to pay my solidarity…

… Let’s enjoy all the moments for us to be together in prayer with our God on behalf of all Filipinos!

A big hug

May God blesses all of us!
Henrique Siqueira (Hensiq)

Hello Mauricio,

[quote=“Jose Sarto Silva”]
Hi Urs,

Another interesting article from Speak Up issue 315, The Time Machine,just to see howmy English reading is going. Hope you like it.

I wish a great week to all ofmy friends of E.T.N.

Hello José,

Hi Mauricio, how are you?

Please, tell me more about Dudley Moore, I mean, do you remember + - the time of the publication of Speak Up? I’m back to E.T.N. as now I have a new headset. Let’s see how it will be running when recording… Thanks for your nice words.

Here a new one about The Time Machine. I hope you like it.

Have a great weekend. Hugs.

José Sarto

Hi Mauricio, how are you?

Please, tell me more about Dudley Moore, I mean, do you remember + - the time of the publication of Speak Up? I’m back to E.T.N. as now I have a new headset. Let’s see how it will be running when recording… Thanks for your nice words.

Here a new one about The Time Machine. I hope you like it.

Have a great weekend. Hugs.

José Sarto

Hi Mauricio, how are you?

Please, tell me more about Dudley Moore, I mean, do you remember + - the time of the publication of Speak Up? I’m back to E.T.N. as now I have a new headset. Let’s see how it will be running when recording… Thanks for your nice words.

Here a new one about The Time Machine. I hope you like it.

Have a great weekend. Hugs.

José Sarto