Speak spontaneously!

mic please

mic please

microphone please


Can I ask you what is the problem that I donā€™t receive possibility to record my post?

Please to answer for that I could the reason what can be the problem. My Java went away I downloaded successfully as always and it doesnā€™t work.

Kati Svaby


Can I ask you what is the problem that I donā€™t receive possibility to record my post?

Please to answer for that I could the reason what can be the problem. My Java went away I downloaded a new one successfully as always, and it doesnā€™t work.

Kati Svaby

Hello Kati

Do you mean me, that is, my last post when you write ā€œmic pleaseā€?

My recording should be fine though.
I could play it, it worked.

But today, the homepage seems to run verrrrry slooooooowly again!

And it sometimes happens that you canā€™t play a recording by pushing the red triangular play button in the java tool. Donā€™t ask me why.

But in such cases, you could still try and download the mp3 file first and then listen to that one.

Please get back to me if this solved the problem or if there is something else wrong.

Chears Urs

Ok, I see Kati, you have got a mic problem.

You might try the following:

  • close the thread, open it again.
  • close the Forum Website and enter it again.
  • shut your computer down and restart it again.
    Yesterday, I had at first problems with the new java tool, and later I saw that they have some troubles on their own homepage, that was when I tried to verify, if my installed java tool runs smothly.
    If all that doesnā€™t help, you could try and reinstall java once moreā€¦
    Hope to be of help:):(:).

Hello Urs,

You canā€™t imagine that I said this ā€œDo you joke with me?ā€ seriously. I say this sentence very frequently when I didnā€™t understand something. Now when I read your letter it was very suspicious that you gave me a piece of advice how to record when the TV is very loud. For second times I understood your joke. I smiled at it, because it was very nice joke and it recalled lot of memory from my life which were buried somewhere very deeply.

If I donā€™t understand a joke for the first time, for the second times (most part) I understand. I like if somebody can find out jokes because it helps us to be happy.


Hi Urs, how are you? You made me laughing when you wrote 'castle hits its roof". What do you mean by that? According to Dictionary.com, we have this:
hit the roof. Informal. to lose oneā€™s temper; become extremely angry.

I shouldnā€™t jump to a conclusion,but now the word is yours.

Good morning from Brazil.Take care.

Thanks for your interest in my English speaking process, but you let me between a rock and a hard place whoy you reminded me of pitches. ha! Thatā€™s a very good practice, but right now Iā€™m focusing on my ā€˜articulation proceduresā€™. One day my friends will be proud of my English speaking abilities. bye for now.

That hits the roof!

JosƩ, now you made me laugh too!

Okay then, Iā€™ve never seen a castle hitting its roof - how would that go? We better donā€™t want to know, do we? The only chance I see is an owner who wants to cash in the insurance capital for his rotten castle by placing a tiny little dynamite bar at the right place by the chimney right under the roof, and then, miracolously, the castle burns downā€¦

Iā€™ll have to search for another expression, Iā€™ll keep you posted!


Hi Urs,
I think you might mean ā€˜the story takes the biscuitā€™ (or ā€˜ā€¦ takes the cakeā€™ in the US)
if you say this, you mean that it was very bad, and even worse than things they have said or done before
very unusual and even more surprising than the things they have said and done before.

Hello Beeesneees

Thanks for replying, but no, I was looking for a cool expression that means like ā€œthe very best part of the storyā€, ā€œreally really impressing and amazingā€, or something like ā€œa hit in the music chartsā€ā€¦

So the castle in the serie Downtown Abbey is - I donā€™t know - ā€œflabbergastingā€ or maybe ā€œdevastatingly fantasticā€ orā€¦ like: ā€œhe?ā€ -> ā€œPUFFF!ā€ when you turn and look at it suddenlyā€¦

Sorry for falling back on comic strip language, but could you be of further help?

Cheers Urs

How about, ā€œthe castle takes my breath away?ā€

Hello JosƩ and Urs, as I knew (to) hit the ceiling expression I sent to you some expressions with hit (v)
Ā· hit home
Ā· hit it
Ā· hit it big
. (slang)hit me (again)!
Ā· hit oneā€™s stride
Ā· hit the books
Ā· hit the bottle
Ā· hit the buffers/skids
Ā· hit the ceiling/roof
Ā· hit the deck
Ā· hit the hay/sack
Ā· hit the road/trail
Ā· hit the spot
Ā· hit too close to home

I have to learn them also because I know only 5 of them.

Send me their meanings I will also send to you.

Take care,

The castle the castleā€¦a thousand times the castle! takes my breath away every time! (Steph and molaā€™s 2nd WDW trip)

=The castle is very surprising and beautiful takes my breath away.= the beauty of the castle is breath-taking.

=Something can be so beautiful that you forget to take your breath. Breathtakingly
beautiful castle.

Dear JosƩ,

My aim also to correct and correct my pronunciation and understand other peopleā€™s speech. On youtube there are many possibilities to correct. I found Rachel is the best, she could teach the good pronunciation, and she deals about the phonation of vowels, diphthongs /pitches/stressed and unstressed syllables etc. She has a vocation to tell us everything about the good pronunciation. I decided to listen to her every day, but ā€œMan proposes, God disposesā€ and I am unable to listen regularly to her because of the lack of time.

Try it once! It might as well come off. Look for this title on the Google.
Welcome to Rachelā€™s English - American Pronunciation-this is the first.
Here is her second lesson and you can test her method.


Good study!

Will you please to delete the second post, it is enough one of them.

Many thanks.

Kati Svaby

Hello Kati
Thanks a lot for your posts, and I especially liked the youtube link to Rachelā€™s American English Training - never heard about a flat th in my life!

As for expressions with hit:
I exactly new three of them ;(.
So I had to check the othersā€¦

But I found some new ones:
To hit the nail on the head
To hit sb where it hurts
Not know what hit you
To hit the headlineso
To hit the spot
To hit it off
To hit on sb
To hit on / upon sth
To hit out on sb / sth
To hit sb up

But I couldnā€™t find the meanings of the following underlined expressions

hit home
Ā· hit it
Ā· hit it big
. (slang)hit me (again)!
Ā· hit oneā€™s stride
Ā· hit the books
Ā· hit the bottle
Ā· hit the buffers/skids
Ā· hit the ceiling/roof
Ā· hit the deck
Ā· hit the hay/sack
Ā· hit the road/trail
Ā· hit the spot
Ā· hit too close to home

Kati, you can delete your own posts, I think, as long as noone has listened to them yet.
But I canā€™t see a post that has been sent twice, so maybe you succeeded in deleting it alreadyā€¦

Have a nice day!


ā€˜hit it bigā€™ - became famous/rich, etc.

ā€˜hit oneā€™s strideā€™ - reach a point where you can do things with speed and accuracy.

ā€˜hit the buffers/skidsā€™ - have a run of bad luck, usually associated with being at a very low point in a personā€™s life (perhaps destitute).

1.He is a very good thrower he hits home.

2./a hit it (in ball gameā€™s name)Should we play a hit it? yeah.
2/b.Itā€™s seven oā€™clockā€¦letā€™s hit it.
2/c Lewis, bring your violin and hit it.

3.The band has hit it big in the US.

4.slang: If you hit me (again) - you can say goodbye to me.

5/a Hit me a glass of water, please.
5/b Hit me a little whisky , please

6.After a nervous start he finally hits his stride in the second set.

  1. He is an eager-beaver he hits the books all afternoon.

  2. Unfortunately he hits the bottle all day.

  3. After the divorce he didnā€™t the way to do something he hits the buffers/skids.

  4. Donā€™t fly into rage and donā€™t hit the ceiling/roof

11./a The children began to cry and hit the deck
11/b Sunday I hit the deck at 11.

  1. It is midnight I hit the hay/sack.

13.We have to hit the road very early in the morning.

14Mmm, that ice cream hit the spot.

15.Her remarks were a bit too close to home.