Speak spontaneously!

Dear friends,

Just trying to improve my speaking.

May be odb.org is not your favourite site, but I am sticking to it due to its short passages. Thanks for your attention.

Som more practice, based on odb.org, from October 1st, 2014.

The previous one was from today’s message.

Thanks for your attention.

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Time to practice again.

This time “Food is Free”, from deepenglish.com

Thanks for your time.


Dear friends,

Some more practice. “Sometimes”,I stress the wrong words,but practice makes perfect. So I will keep practicing.

Now, “Should Your DoctorBe Studying Astrology?”, fromDeepenglish.com.

Thanks for your patience.


I believe this second recording is 'much better’than the first one. Thanks for your attention.

Dear friends,

A’shadowing’ to improve my intonation.

Pink Sheep,by Dave Branon, on odb.org.

Thanks for your attention.


Dear friends,

A reading passage about ‘solving a problem’ from Barron’s Toefl IBt, by Pamela J.Sharpe.

Thanks for your attention.

J. Sarto

one correction: if the resultS are

Dear friends,

Here goes “London -Typewriter Art-”, by Louise Johnson and Derek Allen and Mark Worden (speakers), from issue 326.

I hope you enjoy it.

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Another interesting article of the issue #326, by Linda Ligios, and speaker Justin Raticliffe. I hope you may enjoy it.

Sincere thanks for your attention.


I beg your pardon for some ‘minor’ mistakes, such as 'explains and projects - the ‘s’ not spoken -, ‘atom’ 'Atum and ‘central kind of point’, central not clear. If I listen to my first recordings and this new one,I have many reasons to feel happy as far as my English reading has improved. Thanks for your attention.

infinite is INfuhnit
 Never take for granted the English pronunciation because of the schwas.

Dear friends,

Now comes “Native America - Hope in South Dakota”, byMartin Simmonds, speaker Chuck Rolando, from Speak Up #251.

As you see, this magazine never loses its ‘modernity’, as its articles never get old.

Thanks for your attention.

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Now, it is time to give you “The Jurassic Coast: Dorset,Devon and Dinosaurs”, by Julian Earwaker, and speaker Justin Ratcliffe, from Speak Up #251, pages 34-37.

Thanks for your time and patience. I appreciate it. -:slight_smile:

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Now, “Society, Veiled Britain”, by Eric Albert, from issue 326, pages 18-19.

I hope you may like it.

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Still on issue 326, now “New York City: The Glamorous World of Canine Fashion” -:slight_smile: by Jackie Guigui-Stolberg, and speaker Chuck Rolando.

Enjoy it, and have fun!

José Sarto

Dear friends,

Just to practice with this very useful information.

God bless you.

José Sarto

I ‘missed out’ this one:
Korean researchers found that when adults followed a low–glycemic load diet for 10 weeks, they reduced both painful inflamed pimples and red spots. Why? High-glycemic diets include foods that rapidly increase blood sugar, causing high insulin levels that are thought to lead to hormonal changes that cause acne. Beans, particularly chickpeas, are low on the glycemic index since they’re rich in protein and fiber, two nutrients that slow down digestion and lower the blood sugar response.
m thanks. José Sarto

Hello José,

Hello Mauricio.