Should it be "difference between despatch and dispatch"?

The main difference between despatch vs. dispatch is that one is spelled with i, and the other uses e.

Should it be “difference between despatch and dispatch” instead?



I looked it up and both have the same meaning.

I hope this helps.


As @NearlyNapping said a few days ago, I believe “and” is the better choice here.

“Versus” means against, but here you’re just saying that there is a difference in spelling between the two words. There“s no idea of one against the other here.

You could change it to use versus:
‘In the U.K. they prefer to write “despatch” versus “dispatch”. ‘


Hi Arinker, that’s what I wanted to make clear, but what I wanted to make clear is that, before I ask questions on the forum, I always look for answers elswhere. When I don’t find a satisfactory answer, I consult the forum, so this calls for more fun for you… Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere you go: Dynasty: Sable and Alexis - YouTube

By the way @Torsten, I wonder if this so-called Friedrich Stahl really existed or not?

Thanks in advance.

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Yes, there was a Nazi officer with that name: Friedrich Stahl - Wikipedia

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Oh, thank you dear, this means that ‘Der Denver Clan’ as it was called in German did have a bit of a realistic touch.

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Difference between compares two or more things. It’s followed by a list of those things.
The list follows the normal rules for lists.

If there are only two items on the list, they will be separated by a conjunction such as and, or, or nor.

If there are more than two items, they will be separated by commas, with the last item separated by a conjunction.

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