Question tags

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-35 “Question Tags”, question 2

She’s definitely not coming

(a) will she?
(b) isn’t she?
(c) is she?
(d) can she?

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/elem-35 “Question Tags”, answer 2

She’s definitely not coming is she?

Correct answer: (c) is she?

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
She’s definitely not coming isn’t she?

What is the ‘she’s’?I can’t undertand what 's mean.

Here is the structure of questions tags:

[color=blue]positive main clause → [color=blue]negative question tag
You are from Canada, [color=blue]aren’t you?

[color=blue]negative main clause → [color=blue]positive question tag
You aren’t from Canada, [color=blue]are you?

In the sentence you are referrring to the main clause is negative, that’s why the question tag has to be positive:

She’s definitely [color=blue]not coming [color=blue]is she?

For information on question tags, please click here:[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Booking a flight to Vienna[YSaerTTEW443543]

yes you are right.

Thanks alot for your efforts you give all the community here.
I have a link of youtube that may help al of us here … re=related

the structure is very clear thank u

thank you for the structure.

Dear Torsten,
You gave us clue as like below :
positive main clause → negative question tag
negative main clause → positive question tag
How about some sentences like this (question tags (2)
A : I want you to give me some more money
B : Oh you do, do you (not negative)
A : I can’t take any more
B : Oh you can’t, can you (all negative)
A : She hates the sight of him
B : She does, does she ( not negative)
etc… thank you

Dear Torsten.
About exercise question tag, I’m confused, because some answers were only positive way:
A-She hates the sight of him.
B-She does, does she? Wouldn’t be: She does, doesn’t she? Would be ?
I’m look forward your answer.
J. Alberto.

Hello Dear Torsten
This is complate explaine for me I didn’t understand when use negative’s tag question.

Now I get it! Thanks…

I like singing, do I?
She doesn’t like playing tennis, does she?

I want to tell you that I am a deaf which I can’t hear what they talk. But I can read a subtitle on your video. I learn some sentence. Thanks.

Hi dear Torston
thanks for the first lesson, but what about the rest , esp. the exceptions?

dear Torston,
i am lost!!!
you wrote:
She’s definitely not coming is she?
i thought it should be (She’s definitely not coming, Does she?

Hi Torston,
i can use other and another, i can use them correctly.
but i want to know the difference,
thanks, Mageed.

salam Torston,
someone is fabricating something for me, i want to ask him if he is done or not.
can i say (Have you finished? or Did you finished?
thanks, Mageed

Hi Mageed, please start using the search box on our forum to avoid duplicate questions. Yours has been answered several times before:

Also, when are you going to start capitalizing the personal pronoun ‘I’. I asked you this 10 minutes ago.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: What time do you expect Ms. Perkins to return?[YSaerTTEW443543]

“Did you finished” is wrong.

Are you finished or have you finished would be OK.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: Would you like to see the dessert menu?[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thank you Torsten.
I will start capitalize the personal pronoun “I” from now on.
Regards, Mageed.

Good video