Progress report (Top 100)?

Dear english teacher
could you please help me to write an appropriate sentence?
I want to say : one area is 10 meters far from somewhere. my sentence is correct?

This area is 10 meters away from that point.

Dear Moderators,
Can I know how progress is calculated? I feel something wrong with the progress I got.

Questions answered: 5058
Correct answers: 873
Progress: 52.39%

First, I can’t believe that I have answered so many questions. And I don’t remember that my correctness rate is so low. Second, I have tried to watch how the figures got changed after I answered a question. It supprised me that sometimes I got a dropped progress even if I submitted a correct answer.

Could someone please look into this problem?

Dear Justin,

We are in the process of rebuilding the entire site so please bear with us – we know that the progress report does not work correctly.

Many thanks for your patience,

TOEFL listening discussions: A conversation between two students in a chemistry class[YSaerTTEW443543]

hop you will be fine and healthy

It has been good for me to see my scores, because if I want to get 100% I will need to correct my mistakes: checking for the explanations, reviewing the Dictionaries, in order to repeat the tests and improve my answers. It’s a good way for learning.

Dear Moderators,
I have some complains to make about the progress score calculation. I guess there is something wrong with it. I was doing the tests and checking my progress report. But after a while when I answered other 10 questions it showed me the total number of answered tests increased by 200 instead of 10, and of course only 10 of 200 qeustions were right. How come I got this poor calculation? I wish I could know my actual progress when learning and doing exercises. I like this site a lot and hope you will set it right. Thanks!

The progress test algorithms have been faulty for some time.
There is no short term fix, the engineers are aware of the situation.

We apologise for the inconvenience.


We’ve started adding a number of new features that will help our users keep track of the tests they have taken and the kind of progress they have been making. It would be great if you could take a look at this progress report page.

How much information do you think we need to add so our users will understand those stats?

Many thanks,

Hi Torsten
I really appreciate you for your email.
I think that it is the best idea.
I hope to get on ok in English here.
I am very so much exhilarated that i could find your site.
Thanks again and again for your excellent site.

hi dear torsten
this way is a great way for persuade me to trying mare and more,I always trying more but with out any progress.Each day i listen to the world bbc news by radio such as saying that you say.but i can’t write briefly any heard ,and i studing english only by myself , i have many kinde of english books like 504words,inglish gramer in use,’‘Delta ,Long man,Barrons’’ Toefl test but i dont know which one of them most be studing at first ,or already of them i needs other References or resource please help me in this case.
thank you

Progress report is an ideal way to let people know that how they are doing with English learning. Further it boosts up confidence of the candidate and exhorts them to take the test as often as possible. Learning is one thing and memorizing is another. Learning goes in vain if the concepts are not retained in the brain. So, instead of multiple choice questions, some fill in the blanks should also be included in the test so that a candidate might rake his brain to reach correct answer.

Thanx a lot for your kind support.actually i don’t have a computer and cannot buy one right now that is why it takes me long to log into forum and type my questions via my cellphone.i love english language that is why i want to learn more.i want to speak english fluently and thankyou for not giving up on me.

Dear Torsten !
Hi I have read all your recommendations written on your Email They are very useful to me I would say that I 'll try to follow them step by step…As lessons go on they become more interesting and more difficult at the same time to me
Thanks for words you write to us every lesson
best regards Bassam 1

Dear Bassam,

Many thanks for your feedback. I look forward to seeing you on the forum again later today.

Best regards,

TOEIC listening, talks: The co-pilot gives flight information to passengers[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hello sir Torsten,
Thank you for sending me my Progress report.
It is clear that my progress and development belongs to your guiding and I hope I have your helping with us after this too.
Best regards

Dear Torsten !
Hello Thank you for E mail I enjoyed reading it I 'll take your advices seriously

Dear Bassam, please note that the noun ‘advice’ is uncountable so the word ‘advices’ does not exist.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Guards in Athens[YSaerTTEW443543]

i have trouble with my TOEFL vocab tests, it would be better if it contained pronunciations:(

best regards

Dear Torsten
When I want to visit my progress report page I face with this sentence ;

Sorry, but this user doesn’t exist.

Please help me . What shuld I do?