Integrated Question 4


In this question, we will again be faced with a reading and a listening that we must summarize.

Graders are trained to assign each of your answers either a 1, 2, 3, or 4 depending on the quality and strength of your answer.

A 1 is uncommunicative; students who earn this score may have survival English but nothing more.
A 2 is limited; this is for students who can survive comfortably with English but cannot express themselves very well.
A 3 is communicative; students with this score are comfortable with English and have next to no limitation with the language.
A 4 is nearly fluent; this is awarded to students who display a fluent command of the language.

1st: you will be given 45 or 50 seconds to read a short passage of about 100 words.
2nd: you will hear a lecture that lasts a little over 1-½ minutes.
3rd: you will be asked a question about the lecture.
4th: you will be given 30 seconds to prepare your response.
5th: you will then have 60 seconds to record your response.
6th: the computer will save your response and go to the next question.

The reading is composed of two parts: a title and a 100-word paragraph. The title will be the topic of the reading and the paragraph will define the topic.

The lecture will explain the topic using some examples.

The question following the lecture always asks the same thing: explain the topic using the example provided in the lecture.


In this post anyone can post your response to the questions.

And anyone can make any suggestions/advice to the responses of other student.

Feel free to discuss anything regarding TOEFL SPEAKING Q4.

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Behavior Modification
Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions. When an individual learns through experience that a certain behavior results in pleasant consequences, that behavior is likely to be repeated. An unpleasant consequence, on the other hand, discourages further repetition of the behavior. While behavior modification can be observed in experiments, it also occurs frequently in everyday settings, when individuals change their behavior based on what they have learned about the consequences of that behavior.


My Response:

The article was about behavior modification.
The reading mentions that people change their behaviour according to consequence they had. If they had good experience they are likely to repeat that action, and on the other hand, if they had bad experience they will try not to repeat.
The professor gives the example of young children in school, who don’t know the rules and regulation, and way to behave in school. So, they interrupt the teacher, or walk around the class and after that they see that teacher is very angry and teacher punishes them. And they also observe that if they raise their hand to ask question and if they sit quietly teacher use to reward them. So, by this action they learn how to behave properly in class and are likely to repeat this action.
And so, the example of children clearly illustrate behavior modification.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

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Inhabiting the photic zone, that upper layer of water where sunlight penetrates the world’s oceans, phytoplankton provide the basis of almost all marine life. Found in greater abundance near land masses where there is a concentration of nutrients in the water, these single-celled plants enrich the food chain. Sunlight provides them with the energy needed for photosynthesis, turning the phosphates and nitrates in the water and carbon dioxide from the atmosphere into the molecules that they live on. The by-product of photosynthesis is oxygen. It is estimated that 75 percent of the world’s oxygen is produced by phytoplankton. Phytoplankton usually go unnoticed until physical conditions cause some species to bloom, a phenomenon known as the red tide.


My Response:

The article was about phytoplankton.
The professor explains it as a nutrient found in food chain and it is very important for the production of oxygen. The professor discusses a study on an area which had plenty of sunlight and nitrogen compound for photosynthesis, but the area was lacking in phytoplankton and iron. In another area which was seeded with iron sulphate there was plenty of phytoplankton found. This opens up several possibility, because CO2 is reduced in atmosphere because of phytoplankton and it also increases marine life which is ultimately fed to people, however there are many unanswered question before farming of phytoplankton must be considered.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

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Road Management
Road signs and markings are a ubiquitous feature of towns and cities around the world. The purpose of this system is to ensure the safety of both drivers and pedestrians by separating them and by controlling traffic speed and flow. Drivers are obligated to restrict their speed, follow directions, and park and stop only in designated areas. Pedestrians are further protected by raised sidewalks from which motor traffic ¡s restricted. At road intersections motor vehicle movement is strictly managed by traffic lights and road markings. The requirement of road users to obey road markings, signs, and signals s backed up by legal sanctions leveled against those who ignore the traffic rules.


My Response:

The article was about road management.
The professor mentions that the sign, road marking and signals are used to reduce accidents and makes city safer. The professor discusses an experiment conducted by a Dutch traffic engineer who removes all the signs and signals and road markings from a Dutch city and observes that there is a dramatic reduce the number of accident in that city. The reason behind this is that when there is no sign people act more carefully and look around at other people. With all the road regulations people have false sense of security and they act irresponsibly. With no signs around, people act more responsible and I have consideration for other drivers and they act accordingly.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

Cultural Perception of Time
Time can be regarded as neither a biological nor a physical absolute but as a cultural invention. Different cultures have differing perceptions about the passage of time. At opposing ends of the spectrum are the monochronic, or linear, cultures and the polychronic, or simultaneous, cultures. In monochronic societies, schedules and routines are primary. Monochronic societies tend to be more efficient and impartial. However, they may be blind to the humanity of their members. In polychronic societies, people take precedence over schedules. People are rarely alone, even at home, and are usually dealing with several people at once. Time and schedules are not.


My Response:

The article was about cultural perception of time.
The professor discusses monochronic and polychronic cultures. These cultures are extreme and most cultures lies between them. She said that monochronic individual can be found in polychronic individual and viceversa. She explains that monochronic people might be more efficient because they make plan, they predict and they follow the plan and they also set deadlines and all the work on time. She also explains about polychronic and says that they have multitasker and it is hard to replace them because they can do many tasks and that’s why it is very hard for them to get promotion in the workplace.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

This was a great answer. Very little hesitation and your speech was easy to understand. Your main problem was with your use of articles. In this question type, they will always give two examples, which show different aspects or facets of the topic - in this case positive and negative reinforcement. If you have time it is good to mention the two different aspects, but in this case I don’t know if you had time. You did manage your time very well and covered all the necessary information.

Hi Vahi, I think this was another excellent answer. Are you answering these extemporaneously without preparation? If so, I think they would score at the highest level. You have a few minor errors, but your meaning is clear and your speech is easy to understand.

Hi Vahi, I thought the format of this question was a little different from the norm, but you handled it very well. You captured all of the points from the lecture and communicated them effectively. You did have some errors in usage, but your meaning was clear throughout.

Hi Vahi, I thought the format of this question was a little different from the norm, but you handled it very well. You captured all of the points from the lecture and communicated them effectively. You did have some errors in usage, but your meaning was clear throughout.

Hi Vahi, I thought the format of this question was a little different from the norm, but you handled it very well. You captured all of the points from the lecture and communicated them effectively. You did have some errors in usage, but your meaning was clear throughout.

Hi Vahi, I thought you did another good job in this response, though it seemed a bit weaker than some of your other answers. Still, you captured all of the critical information in the lecture and communicated it fairly clearly.

I always practice in actual test constrains, as you can see all my responses are precisely of 60 sec. But, if I am unhappy with my response, I give it another try. And, these response are mostly my 2nd or 3rd. After I record a presentable response, I transcribe it and post it.
At first I was depressed because I was unable to give a proper answer in first attempt, but I thought it is better to keep practicing rather that giving up. And, your words also motivated me a lot [thanks :)].

I will be more careful with usage of articles.

I was unable to complete readings of these questions: Phytoplankton & Cultural Perception of Time, that’s why my answers were lacking.

Climatic conditions
The weathering of rocks refers to a breakdown due to the exposure to atmospheric elements. Weathering is different from erosion in that in weathering, there is no movement of material. Weathering processes are generally classified into three groups: mechanical, chemical, and biological. Mechanical processes such as the freeze-thaw cycle of water can shatter rocks. A chemical process occurs when rain causes a chemical reaction with the minerals in the rock. Biological processes refer to processes that are caused by organisms. An analysis of a rock and the way it has weathered can provide the geologist with information about the processes that were or are taking place in any given area.


My Response:

The article was about climate condition.
The reading mentions that it is classified into three groups that is mechanical chemical and biological.
The professor discusses the climatic condition in different region and says that in arid condition the rock cracks and during night because of the frost and it expands during day because of the heat. This mechanical weathering is common in such region. He also says that because of the heavy rain in tropical region the chemical processes is common and because of the high temperature the mechanical weathering in less. He also says that biological processes depends on the presence of tree, plant and animal and decay of animal and there is the less biological weathering in extreme weather condition.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

Animals are always in danger of being eaten by predators. They have therefore developed methods of avoiding these predators. One effective means that animals use to protect themselves is camouflage. What is meant by camouflage? Camouflage refers to the coloration or general appearance of an animal that makes it difficult to see when it is in its own environment. An animal employing camouflage blends in with its environment so that it is invisible, or it looks to its predators like an inanimate or inedible object.
Now, when we think of camouflage, we often think of animals that appear dull and colorless in order to go unnoticed. This is sometimes true, but not always. Some animals may not look camouflaged to human eyes. In fact, they are easy for us to spot, especially out of their normal environments. However, to their predators, they are quite difficult to see.


My Response:

The article was about camouflage.
The reading mentions that it is a method used by animal in order to avoid their predator.
Professor gives an example of sloth which is found in South America and says that sloth has dull brown fur with green streaks on it which looks like a plant named algae and when sloth hangs from the tree and because of the brown and green colour is camouflaged. The professor also gives example of a beautiful butterfly which is found in Central and South America and says that this butterfly has brown colour on bottom of their wing and blue colour on top of their wing and when this butterfly flies because it looks like flashes of sky and tree the bird is unable to see them.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

Numeral system
There are dozens, perhaps hundreds, of known numeral systems. By numeral system, we mean a set of symbols used to represent quantities. Most numeral systems are decimal systems, also called base-1 O systems. This includes the numeral system we use, which is called the Arabic system, although it actually comes from India. One reason why base 1 0 is used is that humans have ten fingers, and we first used our fingers to count on. Another reason ¡s that decimal systems tend to be easy to use for counting and calculations. For one thing, only ten different symbols are needed to represent any whole number.


My Response:

The article is about numeral system.
The reading mentions that it is a set of symbols used to represent quantities.
The professor says that most people today use numeral system of base 10, but there are few people who used the numeral system for some other type. He gives example of Indian people who lived in California and says that these people use numeral system base 8 because they countered spaces between their fingers. The professor also gives example of Sumerian people who lived in the West Asia 3000 years ago and says that these people used system of base 60 because there are 60 sec in a minute and 60 minutes in hour. And, this numeral system is very difficult to be used for calculation.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

Dolls are a useful way to learn about a society. Doll makers draw on their knowledge of their culture, and they often use traditional materials and traditional skills to create dolls. This is certainly true of Native American dolls. Some Native American dolls are simply toys. They are used to amuse children, to entertain them, to calm them when they are unhappy. However, other dolls are meant to educate children. There are two main types of these. Some dolls model adult activities, roles, and costumes. You might see dolls that hunt, dance, or carry babies on their backs. Other dolls represent spiritual figures. They are meant to educate Native American children about religious matters.


My Response:

The general idea here is about role of doll in learning of society.
The reading mentions that doll can be used to learn about culture and tradition of people.
The professor gives example of Hopi people who lived in south west of North Mexico and says that these people use Kchina dolls in order to educate their children. She says that Kchina doll were use to make children learn about religion and also to make them learn about spirits and because there are more than 200 spirit this doll were very helpful to make children learn about their name and how they look.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

Hi, sorry for my delay in getting to these - to be honest, I forgot that you had posted them. I thought your answer here was very good. Make sure to clearly define the term as described in the reading. In fact you could begin your answer with “The article was about behavior modification, which it defines by describing how people change …” You should be able to use something similar to this for every question of this type. Your pronunciation seemed clear to me and your response sounded smooth, but make sure to use your articles correctly.

Behavior Modification
Individuals often modify their behavior based on what they have learned about the possible consequences of their actions. When an individual learns through experience that a certain behavior results in pleasant consequences, that behavior is likely to be repeated. An unpleasant consequence, on the other hand, discourages further repetition of the behavior. While behavior modification can be observed in experiments, it also occurs frequently in everyday settings, when individuals change their behavior based on what they have learned about the consequences of that behavior.


My Response:

The article was about behavior modification.
The reading [describes behavior modification by saying] mentions that people change [or modify ] their behaviour according to consequence[s ] they had. If they had [a ] good experience they are likely to repeat that action, and on the other hand, if they had [a ]bad experience they will try not to repeat [it]. {make sure you say how the reading defines behavior modification - you have described it, but not explicitly said that this is what behavior modification is}
The professor gives the example of young children in school, who don’t know the rules and regulation, and way to behave in school. So, they interrupt the teacher, or walk around the class and after that they see that [the] teacher is very angry and [their] teacher punishes them. And they also observe that if they raise their hand to ask [a ]question and if they sit quietly [the] teacher use to reward[s ] them. So, by this action they learn how to behave properly in class and are likely to repeat this action.
And so, th[is] example of children clearly illustrate[s ] behavior modification.

Please check and rate my response according to the TOEFL standards. Thanks

Hi Luschen,

Thanks for your advice, but I think you have reviewed the same response twice.

Comment 1

Comment 2

Hi Vahi, I thought this was a pretty good answer, though you did seem to have more pauses and hesitations in this one than in some of your other answers. I think the fact that you simply pause though, instead of saying “umm” or “uhh” is a good thing. We usually don’t say “make someone learn”, so I have written some possible alternatives. Always try to include a conclusion sentence that says how the example explains the main topic of the reading.

Hi Vahi, you sort of missed the main point of the reading - I guess the title threw you off. This lecture seemed very long, so you missed a few points, but I don’t see how you could include everything in the allotted time, so I think you did pretty well.