thank you
Dear Alan,
Received with many thanks for your lesson.
Best regards,
Anh Lan
Hi Alan,
This essay was a little bit complicated to understand, even with the vocabulary included, but finally I could understand almost everything except the following paragraphs which were not clear:
“Sometimes though, it pays “to keep a low profile” on occasions like these if you don’t want to get too involved.”
“an unfortunate label as it’s turned out”
Could you explain the expressions in other words?
Politicians are all equal in everywhere. Unfortunally they aren’t species in extinction.
Hi, Torsen,
As i am as old as the Parliament of Lesotho, this essay was very much interesting to me, it has encourged me to put more impact on the study of english, later my be when i retire governement services i might join politics.
Hi Alan,
It was quite intresting. I really apprecaite and encouraging by sending continous messages. Thank you very much for teh vocabulary below. Its really easy to ubderstand things which was confusing while going through the essay. thanks all your support.
Deepa Celine
Hi all,
In addition to what everybody mention previously reading your essay is the efficient way to improve our English so thank you indeed.
Hello sir,
very,very nice essay of.< party conferences> group chatting.or discussion in english total material of english subject grammer,idiom,means all things submitted in this chapter !!!
sir, i requested for one essay send about game commentary or crowds chatting as like,railway station seen,air port seen etc, sir please check my response !!! and guide about my
mistakes !!!
hi , i would like to ask for the meaning of shushing sound thanks
A shushing sound is a sound you make to calm somebody down or to get somebody to be silent.
By the way, you might want to read this: … ing_skills[YSaerTTEW443543]
TOEIC listening, photographs: A man digging a hole[YSaerTTEW443543]
Hello, Mr Alan
I enjoyed to reading your essay, i made a note vocabulary for my mind. Thank you,
You really help students, i fascinate of this site.
It was a very elucidative reading about political scandals and I realize that this kind of thing is widespread in the world.Unfortunately, it doesn’t surprise me anymore.
isnt easy how to be part in a party political party , you should to make a structured propossal strategy campaign , in as much as you need economical resourses to supply the cost of travel and publicy service i.e: tv, web pages , newspaper , etc.
Hi, Alan,
i don’t enjoy politic news, because there are plenty of cover-up. Every party promised things they can’t fulfill. It is like sweet-coated words.
Catherine Tan
Thank you very much. The essay contains exciting terms that politicians or those in the realms of politics use to communicate.
Very interesting essay.
Charles Mafa
Dear Alan,
It was nice to read the essay , I hope you will keep sending these kind of essay’s ,was very informative.
Dear Alan and Torstenn
Thank you for your email, obviously a prompt reply to my mid night post once again I’m grateful. Politics is one subject I’m not interested in but your essay was quite interesting and I read it rapturously thrice wall to wall allowing the new words to sink in. Meanwhile, I hope to become a pundit in my field while rubbing my hand in glee.
Hi Alan
The essay was both informative and educative. In India, the party conference is worse then perhaps all other countries esp. the one you mentioned i.e. Britain. Squabbling, whooping, cussing, abusing, biffing and even cudgeling (if something like a rod is within hands reach) are common scenes of the parliament. BJP and congress attract much notice nationally. Venue for such conferences are famous hill stations known for their salubrity and idyllic ambiance. The major portion of police department are occupied in the security of white-laced politicians. Party in power show off their achievements and the opposition plays the task of disparaging and questioning the ruling party on each of their coups. The opposition tries to press the weak nerves of the ruling party and often moves the debate towards certain skeleton in the cupboard.It’s a not very healthy scene and each party tries to tarnish the reputation of other.
Excellent use of words and phrases given in essay. I got to learn to use them better.
Hi, Alan
After i have read this entertain story, i get know the meaning of ‘rank and file’, i share with my co-worker and asked the meaning of this idiom because everyday they use it and this position holding them. Totally, fail to reply and i had told me the meaning. many thanks.
Kind regards,