Party Conferences?

Hello Sir
How Are you.
Sir That is very Interesting Subject
For Over Generation.
Aamir K

I don’t think any European parliament is as funny and varied as the Italian one. We are used to see any kind of behaviour from our deputies from the verbal fight to the actual combat, where the parliament mutes to a real battlefield. When I read “every nation earns its representatives” I only can agree. The members of the parliament should be concerned to rule and improve our destiny, to me it looks as if they are only selfish and thinking of improving their personal profit.

I found this essay very interesting but somewhat difficult for me because of being much saturated with new expressions I have never known before. Now I wonder how to stock these in my mind for the future use :).

Many thanks. You send some really interesting mails, priceless info about expressions, colloquialisms and affairs. Bye!

I really like this essay on party conference .I think PINDIT word drives from hindi.

i really like this essay its gives me a lot of vocabulary

thank you very much indeed

Hello Alan,I would like to tell you how grateful for your help.I always read your articles with pleasure,they are just great, especially the last one was full of expressions and idioms.I liked it very much.Thanks so much again!

Dear my teachers, Alan and Torsten,

At last I can answer. You can’t imagine how much things happened in my family that kept back me from writing. Your essey -than always was very interesting. I enjoyed the new idioms, I hope I can use them.

In Hungary there isn’t a fix season for the party political conference, every party keep it in different time. I don’t know the party faithful can participate but I am almost sure not.It’s similar that the conference is on one of their favorite place.

In Hungary this spring was the general elections and the FIDESZ / in beginning liberal, after almost extreme-right and now: center-right/ relieved the socialist-free-democrat coalition with two third majority. The president of Hungarian Republic is Viktor Orban who is characterized by a very clever, world-famous philosopher, Agnes Heller, who criticized the socialist-free democrat coalition also; she said now: Orban gathered around him thousand times worse company than one’s the socialists had been. He more and more violently and unscrupuslously sent away every sovereign people from beside him and his party. He makes from his party a machinery executing his every command without a single original thought in their head. He created the lying and deceitful media.From the white-collars he kept only those who are ready to give up sovereign critical and self-critical capacity.

With the two-third majority he makes what he wants. He makes a new constitution in what they limit everything to their taste. They limit the supervisory boards of government, they chose one of their party’s member Head of State. Head of State would be a person who stands above parties.Every day happens a new thing. The people slowly but begins to see clearly.

The last one was two days ago: The government didn’t accept the judgement of The Constitutional Court. There was no precedent for this. The media /till there will be opponent media / says: The constitutionality is in danger.

What was the problem? The government introduced a special tax as of October 1 retroactivity from January 1, 2010. Parliament adopted the severance-pay law in July.The pension law adopted on Friday allows 2.8 million savers with private pensions funds to return to state-run system and in the meantime re-channels their payments to the state. The Government said the charge to the constitution would be a stop-gap measure before the new constitution is written.

And so on:
Constitutional court:
Repeats his decision and explains his reason for it.
The decision just confirms to us that the old constitution was not up to the task of responding to the people.

But its a total absurdity!

Best regards:
Kati Svaby

I left out two very important sentences :
Hungary’s Constitutional Court on Tuesday annulled the Fidesz government’s 98% tax on severance pay above 2 million forints /7,200 euros/ with retroactive effect. FIDESZ said after the decision that it would resubmit the bill and rewrite the constitution so as to prevent the court from reviewing budget-relating matters - including pension laws - in the future.: The Constitutional Court unanimously annulled 98% special tax on severance pay above 2 million forints /7,200 euros/ with retroactive effects. Fidesz

Dear Alan,

It was very good your explanation about some of new words, idioms but you wrote: “lack of space prevented you from explaining the quiet man’s description of the present government…”

I tried to imagine IDS namely George Yan Duncum Smith’s eloquent speech in the House of Commons-/using your given words./

"Ladies and gentlemen!

The Labour government play double-dealing game with us. Insincere they sail under false colour. They intend to mislaid us, don’t believe their deceitful words and deceitful behaviour. Everybody can see the elected representatives are not having the necessary skills, they are not qualified, incompetent to judge and govern. Those who have some skills they are shallow, not capable of thinking seriously. The Labour don’t give an adequate answer for the arising serious problems so I propose they would be soon dismissed for being inefficient. They are incapable to produce required effects as their method is ineffective to govern our country. That’s nothing. Everybody knows they were accepting bribes, and in the future we can reckon they won’t issue permits unless the applicant bribe them. As a matter of fact they are unscrupulously corrupt. Nothing will deter them to give the media mendacious, untruthful reports. They forgot their oath: ‘tell the truth, and nothing but the truth.’

Though I said in my speech they are deceitful and dishonest so they could give themselves a vote of confidence with fraudulent display. They don’t know the shame they take no notice of their shameful conduct.
They are lying round the clock!

Kati Svaby

Hi Alan,

Thanks for your essay, I think it was very rewarding but, the life of politicians in gabon is completely different. It is not authorized to use hard idioms or expressions.



thank yuo so mach

Dear Alan,
One more time I want to say thank you for your assistance in learning English. All your essays not only well-written but also informative. They are developing not only my knowledge of vocabulary and idioms but also keep me informed about British history, culture and politics. I hope your good will and noble efforts will be rewarded.

Dear Alan,

It was good to read Raraavis lines. I agree with all her words. This is the pure truth.

I’d like to express my thanks to you and apologize to you for being burdened you with my exhaustion. I am sorry.

Best regards:
Kati Svaby

many thanks for your information.they are so useful for me.but please im a teacher of English .and because i love it i want you to provide me about a lesson done in the class.of course in the secondary school.i need it really in order to familirize my learners with this foreign need a lesson plans for any course please…thank you a lot. fatima zohra

Dear Alan,
I really loved reading the essay! It motivated me to learn and use idioms!

Hi, Alan.
“faithful” is an adjective.So we can make “faithful party” instead of “party faithful”.Please explain it clealy.

“faithful party” means the whole, All of the of people belonging to the party.

the party faithful” means, some of the people in the party, who will always be with the party. Another way to think of it as “A group within the party”. ‘The’ is the cue.

Yes, that makes it a noun!

7. the faithful,
a. the believers, esp. members of a Christian church or adherents of Islam.
b. the body of loyal members of any party or group.

Hi Darkclarity,

I think that in the "party faithful " party /n/ becomes an attribute + faithful /n/so it means: those people who are faithful to the party.

Kati Svaby