Native speakers come here! Could you comment on my accent?

hi guys, this is my first post on this forum…

could you comment on my accent? does it lean towards british or american? or is it transatalantic?

make a guess where i am from!

ps: sorry i accidentally deleted the original voice clip when i tried to edit this post. i am going to read another short paragraph off the internet in substitute of it.

here it goes…


Thanks for your message. Your accent, I would say is ‘neutral’ and doesn’t really veer either to British or American speech. I would hazard that you are from somewhere in China?? but I don’t really know because there is quite a variety of accents in your speech.


Hi Blue113!
I guess you are form French, right? But I’m not sure because sometimes your voice is same Indian.

Yes, I noticed traces of ‘Indian’ too.


hi alan and lehuong, thanks for your comments, they are certainly very interesting, please keep them coming.

so my question to you is, do you think that i am a “native” speaker of english?

Alan, are you english? well you are definately not scottish !! that’s for sure

i think i will reveal where i am from within the next few days, after more comments come my way. i would certainly hate to let the cat out of the bag so early on!


My guess is Vietnamese. A mix between Indian and Chinese.


i think you are from french

Hi Blue113,

I see you do have a very “French” accent indeed. So I guess your mother tounge is French. You may come from Canada, the French part of it of course. Otherwise from France or one of its colonies.
Your English is very good, but I don’t think it is your native language.

I have a Swiss friend who speaks very very well 6 languages : French, Germany, Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese. In CH there are already 4 official languanges (the first 4 listed above)…so I still have a little doubt about you, but just a bit.

In any case, your mother tounge is French for sure :slight_smile:


where are blue113?
we are wait for your reply!!!
here any body to help me to sending voice record!!!
download link of java is expired.

hi thank you all for your comments. it is very

Hi Blue 113. Nice to meet you.

Are you from South Africa? Is Afrikaans your native language?


Hi Blue, Many thanks for sharing your learning experiences with us. I think you’ve been doing an excellent job in developing your speaking skills. As for your accent, I agree with Alan in that it is neither ‘very British’ nor ‘American’. In other words, you sound quite natural, your voice is pleasant and you are easy to understand. Based on your accent I’d say you are of Asian origin and you also speak French, probably as your second language.

Your intonation is similar to a native speaker’s which means that you must have been listening a lot to authentic media.

Just a hint: Please remember the pronunciation of the word comment. (The first syllable is stressed rather than the second.)[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, question-response: Didn’t you used to work for Mega Firm?[YSaerTTEW443543]

You don’t sound so asian but indeed your accent is french maybe .Actually you have wide variety of accents.

Hi torsten,

thanks for your response. i am afraid i am not much motivation for those learning english as i am a native speaker myself. i am from singapore, a tiny island in the south of asia. yes we are also known as the “fine” city due to our draconic laws.

it is a bit of a melting pot here, with caucasians, malays, indians, phillipinos…but the population here is mainly chinese. the english spoken here range from terribly broken english (normally the lower classes of society) to a local version of english which mixes chinese, english and malay words altogether(normally the middle classes) to “standard” english (normally spoken by the educated).

almost half of the island are made up of foreigners now many of them are from china. so chinese is very prevalent here. i would say 50% of the people speak chinese at home while another 50% speak english at home. aside from the local made programs, 99% of the other english programs are television here from the usa, so a lot of people pick up american ways of saying things.

i have been thinking of doing a CELTA or MA TESOL and teaching esl. i have always wondered how does my accent sound like, therefore, i embarked on this little “exercise” on this forum. i know i don’t sound american or british and have thought i sound neutral. interestingly, it seems that the british speakers on this thread are quite able to identify me as from asia and as being chinese. i think when i speak, i do have a twinge of chinese in my voice as i speak chinese as well. in fact i have been speaking more chinese than english these few years as my girlfriend is from china and we converse in chinese. i only speak english at work these days.

in all, this little “exercise” has brought some very interesting insights to me. our accents are like a mirror, they reflect the way we have been brought up.

thank you all.

Hi, guys!

Please take time to comment on my accent. I am going backpacking around the US and I want to know how well people can understand me.

I tried to make the content as interesting as possible. :stuck_out_tongue:


you speak very clearly and can be easily understood…as for that accent…i can’t place it…you are very fluent but you don’t sound like a native speaker…

frankly you sound like someone who grew up in a non english speaking country and later moved to an english speaking one like america, having stayed there for many years. i have heard some middle eastern people speak that way.

it is definately not a problem understanding your english, no matter which country you may be going to. your english is at a near native level

Snap! I thought that the mic in my notebook made the recording inaudible but thanks for the feedback.

My main concern is visiting the south part of the US… no racism/classism/any -ism involved. I just had a few problems watching movies such as “Sweet Home Alabama,” “The War” (Kevin Costner, Elijah Wood, etc.) and the HBO series “True Blood.” Sometimes, the southern USA accent just throws me off guard.

I’m Venezuelan, studied 6th-11th grade in NYC then went back to Caracas. You made quite an astute observation if you ask me!

thanks. too bad there are no prizes to be won

i dont see why you should have any problem understanding anyone given your level of english. perhaps you could just ask them to slow down and speak clearly without their accent. that would work, wouldnt it?

Sorry, Blue , just had to laugh at your very last suggestion …

'speak clearly without their accent ’

For some people, their accent is a part of them. They can’t just switch it on and off.

My uncle in Glasgow has a really strong accent , which even we find almost unintelligible. He can’t do anything about it … it’s the way he talks.

Antonio, I agree with Blue113 … your accent is great and I am sure people will understand you, even if you don’t understand them :slight_smile:


Hi Blue113,
Your English is quite good, both written & spoken. I am saying this because: there’s no communication barrier for us. And, I totally agree with Alan & Torsten aside from others who commented on your English. No one is error-free. So, first of all, improve your Spelling, grammar etc. then you can go and boost your egoism. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2010.