Is BS/Nabil a forum troll that needs to be banned for good?


I appreciate any vote even if the idea came from an executive member and I think if the vote were in the republic of plants, nettles banish the roses and lilies, which means I am neither for nor against, quite the contrary. Because nobody, or almost think that voting can change significantly its condition of english learning , particularly that of the world, but it can reduce some of your work Torsen

I think we can make up the two situations.

I know that their meanings are different

Why didn’t you make up for work yesterday?
Why didn’t you make up for the work yesterday?

Message for the reader.
I have a nuisance value; don’t pay attention to what I say:)


Because he is sensible he can catch on things, i.e. understand them.

Because they are sensible, he asked his friend to join on at the end of the battalion.

In both cases we can say:
Now, you’re being sensible, catch/ join on.


It’s possible to use drive up to the floor/roof/ceiling

in this case you need –to- .


I decided to go through the contribution of blue snow and see the fictitious pretexts behind banning him.

I’m against any ban for the reasons I gave before in this forum, I think we should be careful, cautious, courteous towards any member here, and to be amenable to understand what is incompatible with the executive members’ aim, unless they can give us reasonable assurance that a dead leaf might return to the tree.

It is not practical for anyone to close completely the window that is why we created mullioned window, and I believe that no wind can blow your six year work from its anchorage, just look to the sea to know how it can be disturbed by opposing winds and stays there. And more than that look at the disheveled flowers in the wind and you will understand.

I hope it was just a gust of wind and a gust of anger.


Blew snow was an executive members’ unrestrained gust of anger; they were easily angered of his behavior.

maybe angered of is the possible phrase.

hi mordant,

Yes, he was .and Torsen decided to erase what I dismiss here because he thinks I’m a nuisance.

In this case you shouldn’t say :

Those students listed above are requested to come to the homeroom teacher immediately after [color=red]the school .

With/ in regards to the same matter, bear, kindly, with us as we have few more points to clear from your esteemed organization.

I prefer to iron [color=red]out the creases.

I agree with Jamie.

Me too.

Good morning Torsten,
Is the part I’ve highlighted (which is bold) fine as it is? (from grammatical point of view?)

Hi Richard, of course it should read ‘we probably will have to do it anyway’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Sales executive leaves voice message for his co-worker asking him to get in touch with accounting department[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,
I wanted to mention, but I didn’t dare. I should have had the nerve to correct it since I am not a novice learner.
It takes a lot of nerve to correct your typo. :slight_smile:
Thank you.

Hi Richard, you can point out any typo or mistake I make any time. That’s what the forum is for and that’s how we can learn from each other. Many thanks, Torsten[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: New sports club official gives encouraging introductory speech to players[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten, thanks.