Interesting name: IbIbo (I build, I bond)

A lot Internet companies use quite interesting and creative names and tag lines. For example, ICQ stands for “I seek you”. Now there is “IbIbo” which stands for “I build, I bond” and it’s an Indian web 2.0 social networking site.

Do you know of any other websites that have interesting names/tag lines?

TOEIC listening, talks: Voice mail message[YSaerTTEW443543]

I Bond is the name of a savings instrument sold by the US government that is indexed to inflation.

sorry I do not know any website like 'I C Q or IbIbo.It’s interesting and I want to learn this . Please send more.

Hi Anna,

Have you heard of a website called ‘Google’?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Two exhibition company co-workers discuss logistics of upcoming trade show.[YSaerTTEW443543]

I used to know Face book. I hard lot of but. Some of the gathering and occation i hard they discuss about some information. the sorce of information are from facebook. They link share by face book. this is more popular in young genaration.but i do not hard website like 'I C Q or IbIbo.Interestind which stands for "I build, I bond.

i know a website bu i am not sure it is what you seek , it’s called 'tagged ’ it’s very nice and there you can meet different people from diffeent places and some of them are really interesting

i want listen your voice

ya thanks a lot to u for such a lovely site i hope it will help the people like me who wants to share his/ her ideas with others.

Dear Torsten,

I found some websites have tagline. Hope you find them interesting!

The Best Website Taglines Around the Internet
A tagline can make or break a website (well, maybe not, but it is cool to be dramatic). Below you will find a collection of the best taglines around the Internet. Some of them are funny, some are clever; but all of them deliver the message! Hopefully it will serve as inspiration.

1.The Straight Dope: Fighting Ignorance since 1973 (It’s taking longer than we thought).
2.Maxim Philippines: The best thing that ever happened to men … after women!
3.The Consumerist: Shoppers bite back.
4.Random Acts of Reality: Trying to kill as few people as possible…
5.Joshuaink: Same old shit, different day.
6.The Superficial: Because you’re ugly.
7.Smashing Magazine: We smash you with information that will make your life easier. Really.
8.The Best Page in the Universe: This page is about me and why everything I like is great. If you disagree with anything you find on this page, you are wrong.
9.Scaryduck: Not scary. Not a duck.
10.The Art of Rhysisms: Chronologically inept since 2060. We are the Internet equivalent of a triple espresso with whipped cream. Mmmm…whipped cream.
12.Ample Sanity: Life is short. Make fun of it. The Lair of the Crab of Ineffable Wisdom – a load of stuff by Joel Veitch that will probably crush your will to live.
14.The Breakfast Blog: In search of the best eggs in town.
15.Dooce: Not even remotely funny.
16.Pink is the new blog: Everybody’s business is my business.
17.Shoemoney: Skills to pay the bills.
18.Oh No They Didnt’t!: The celebrities are disposable, the content is priceless.
19.YouTube: Broadcast Yourself.
20.Waiter Rant: Do you want Pommes Frite with that?
21.Newshounds: We watch FOX so you don’t have to.
22.Sabrina Faire: All the fun of a saucy wench, none of the overpriced beer.
23.Defective Yeti: A maze of twisty passages, all alike.
24.All About George: All about George Kelly… you know, if you go in for that sort of thing.
25.Go Fug Yourself: Fugly is the new pretty. Home of fine hypertext products.
27.Slashdot: News for nerds. Stuff that matters.
28.Gawker: Daily Manhattan media news and gossip. Reporting live from the center of the universe.
29.Get Rich Slowly: Personal finance that makes cents.
30.hi5: Who’s in?
31.Fotolog: Share your world with the world.
32.Jezebel: Celebrity, Sex, Fashion for Women, Without Aribrushing.
33.Autoblog: We obssessibely cover the auto industry.
34.Boing Boing: A directory of wonderful things.
35.Perez Hilton: Celebrity Juice. Not from concentrate.
36.DumbLittleMan: So what do we do here? Well, it’s simple. 15 to 20 times per week we provide tips that will save you money, increase your productivity, or simply keep you sane.
37.Lifehacker: Don’t live to geek, geek to live!
38.Gizmodo: The gadget guide. So much in love with shiny new toys, it’s unnatural.
39.John Cow Dot Com: Make Moooney Online with John Cow Dot Com
40.WebWorkerDaily: Rebooting the workforce.
41.The Simple Dollar: Financial talk for the rest of us.
42.TrafficBunnies: Making your hits multiply like rabbits.
43.Mighty Girl: Famous among dozens.
44.The Sneeze: Half zine. Half blog. Half not good with fractions.
45.Buzz Marketing: Because everyone is entitled to my opinion.

You can visit these websites at … -internet/

Thanks/ Khai

I use this page: in order to practise my grammar and writing skills.

i don’t know

There are lot of tag lines sites.
But i am not familiar with those site.

and really i dont know too

I don’t know it

Hi, Torsten,
I’d just like to inform you and other people here that McAfee SiteAdvisor advises potential visitors to use this website caution. That’s all.

Greetings from Bulgaria!

I like social networking sites a lot…but most of the people at social networking sites use English in a very short and stylish way…I mean we will have to learn many short words and abbreviations for communicating with the people like lol, omg, ily, lmao, <3,idk, etc…
example:instead of writing-

:arrow: “Oh man, what is up? I don’t know what you are talking about, and what do you mean by it? lol[ laughing out loud] ok, talk to you later. Let me go now ,time is up, See you at the mall in the evening ok? fine. take care xoxo[ kisses and hugs] =D [laughing]”

:arrow: "ohhh mayyynee,suuppp? idk wachu tokin boutt…n wt yew meeeen byy it?lolllllll111…kkkkk, ttyl…lemme go naww tyms upp, c ya @ da mal in de eveng k? 5n tc XoXo =D

ok, anyway…I have also joined on some social networking sites like [India , Brazil mostly] [US mostly] [Europe,Middle east mostly] [Mexico and Spanish speaking countries]

and you will get a huge list of social networking websites at the following link
check out 8) … g_websites

these sites are very good for us getting chances to talk with many people around the world. 8) and for some extent we can improve our English but sometimes you know the internet is not the safest place for us to share our personal information with others whom we have not met.:roll:
never trust anyone online with all your heart! :idea:

But i know and i hope learn more

Thanks for the information. I want to learn much more :smiley:

MySpace is very popular in Europe too.

Since Facebook is an American brand it’s very popular in the US.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A moving truck[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,

Many thanks to you, your community & users of this forum. Im reall glad for your support and it’s really important to know hw many people are learning Englisha together & the reality is I one of them who’s interesting in learnig English. The think is that I never use these websies IbIbo, ICQ but I’ll find out. I really appreciated.
Thanks again for the lesson.
Best Regard