I would like to know which are the correct sentences

  1. I’m wondering what is the meaning of “going north” ?

  2. I’m wondering what the meaning of “going north” is?

  3. I’m wondering what is the meaning of “going north”.

  4. I’m wondering what the meaning of “going north” is.

  5. May I know what is the meaning of “going north”?

  6. May I know what the meaning of “going north” is?

I would like to know which of the above sentences are correct and why?

Many thanks.


Question mark vs period

The sentence itself is a statement. However people commonly use a statement as a question. In the latter case the question is implied.

I’m wondering what the meaning of ‘going north’ is. Can anyone tell me?

When spoken, the difference between a statement and question is more clear. Like most questions, the pitch rises.

If the sentence starts with “May I…” then it is a question.

As for the placement of the word ‘is’, I prefer it at the end.

The placement in your first sentence is common with ESL speakers, but not native speakers.