How would you describe your national identity?

So what is your nationality? How do you define your “national identity”? What do you think is the difference between nationality and nation? As I see it, any nation is made up of various ethnic groups. Now, the question is, what exactly is an “ethnic group”? What about tribes, clans and communities? Do you think it is important determine your own national identity or do you think there are other factors that define who you are?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A bathroom with an oval tub[YSaerTTEW443543]


I think the idea "[color=red]ethnic group "isn’t important for me.
because I believe the all people have same thing in everything.

may, they different in shape or color but they have right in live as deferent people and free.

personally I’m against Idea of ethnic group, because is main cause for wars in the world Like Nazism and fascism…

finally, I honor in my national identity but the thing honor me more from that, I’m human and I can live in anywhere I want it as human without caring about my nationality.


Hi Torsten!

I’m Azerbaijanian by nationality and live in Azerbaijan.In Azerbaijan we have more ethnic groups than any country in Caucasis, so you can imagine how multinational is my motherland.So, Avars, Lezghins and other ethnic groups live here,but in their identity cards is written ’ Azerbaijanian’.I think if they have been living here for a long time they are also Azerbaijanians.Also,Azeries are turks,but we say we are Azeri turks instead of ‘we are turk’ because if we say we are turks all will think we are ( for example I ) from Turkiye. So, all turkish nations are separated by names,but they are all still turks,for my opinion.

As for me, I ask people where they are from to know how to speak with my interlocutor,what his’her culture,what questions I want to ask that person and so on.

Also, I think it’s good think to say others what your nationality is, because you an give information if they’re interested in your country or want to ask you some questions.

I agree with Mba that we are humans and can live anywhere,but let see world as it is,so however we say there are no differences between nations, we are humans, but something always make things difficult.Let’s speak about reality,but I really wish things to change as Mba desires.


I define my nationality as British English to distinguish it from British Scottish or British Welsh. That of course is just a bald statement and something I write on forms. There are times however when I feel like saying but that doesn’t mean I think like the current political leadership. That’s the trouble. You have a government in power and the rest of the world thinks you must have the same in beliefs as that government. I’ve never followed the school of thought that proclaims: My country right or wrong.


Hi Alan, you hit the nail right on the head here. I also think that’s important to distinguish between the foreign politics of a country and an individuals’ views and beliefs. When we discuss our national identity we should be aware of prejudices and stereotypes. That’s why I’m glad that both Medeya and Mba have pointed out that are just human beings who have more in common that devides us. This might sound like a line from some Woodstock song but I strongly believe that this should be the underlying agenda of any intercultural discussion.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: A large wall[YSaerTTEW443543]


I also think that it’s great to feel ourselves as a part of a particular culture with own national traditions and history, - but not falling into extreme nationalism and proclaming to be ‘the best nation in the world’, ‘peculiar nation’ and so on.

…By the way, it’s funny indeed, but I met many Europeans for whom people from the former USSR are just ‘Russians’. :slight_smile:

You probably meant ‘divides’.


Yes, I agree with Alan, but most people don’t think as all of you.Because of that people, the others also have to think as who proclaim to be " the best nation in the world ". If one nation behave as the “leaders” of the world or just as “the most cultured and civilized” then what will the other nations do? They will proclaim the same,logically it’s true.Does it mean that nation is the best? Every nation have cultures, own traditions, superiority.One of them has more developed economy, the other has wonderful art, another has…So, nobody can proclaim to be the first in the world.

Tamara are you Russian? You’re right about USSR, I’m also from former USSR and it’s unpleasant to hear that all former USSR countries’ people are considered Russians by Europeans :frowning: Bacause all these nations have own traditions, culture, religion and so on.They are different, even if when most of them are turkish counties.

medeya2012 you’re right ,it really sounds unpleasant,when people from (USSR) are called Russians…
I’m proud to be Georgian…
This is an ancient Europian Country,with Great Traditions…

Oddly enough, everybody in the US will tell you their “nationality” regularly – but nobody says “I’m American”. :lol:

So, if you happen to go to the US and an American tells you “I’m Italian,” that means that Italy is where his/her family originally came from (which could easily have been 100-200 years ago – or even longer).

It wasn’t until I moved to Germany that I began saying “I’m American”. When I lived in the US, I always described myself as “half English and half German” – even though the English side of my family can be traced back to the Mayflower (arrival in 1620) and the German side arrived in the US in the late 1800s. :lol:


Yes, medeya2012, I’m Russian, according to my records and to my self-feeling.
Even though actually I happen to know (in person) only two ‘pure Russians’ - who have at least 6-7 generations of validated ‘pure Russian blood’ in their family tree(s) :slight_smile:

Amy, yes, this is it.
The question of ‘national identity’ sounds different depending on where you are.
Inside your country of origin it is expected you to identify your ‘blood’ and what national culture you consider as your ‘native’, your ethnic group, etc.
whereas when you’re abroad, the question of ‘national identity’ in MOST cases is just a question about the country of your origin, nation, in a wide sense of the word.

It is actually important to understand the difference.

HI all,

It was very interesting to see your opinions.Now I want to ask something that always interests me.What do you all think happens if a member of one nation marry to a member of the other nation? What do you think, can it harm your culture, traditions? For example, my mother’s grandma was Georgian, and she loved Azerbaijanian(my great grandpa) but her Georgian parents protested,they didn’t let her marry with Azeri boy, for he wasn’t Georgian(christian) But my grandma just run away from home and got married with him :slight_smile:
I want to know do your nation think the same? My old generation-Azerbaijanians always object this.Does it mean that you lose your traditions when you marry with a member of another nation.

Also, if your parents are members of different nations, whom you will feel yourself, to what nation do you concern?Though my great grandma was Georgian ( she became moslem after marriage) I feel myself as Azerbaijanian.

I’m waiting your responces,it’s very interesting to know foreigners’ opinions.:slight_smile:

I can only say that two-cultural families (where parents come from different cultures) can give children twice as much, IF none of parents refuses his/her background. Setting an example of such kind…

Hi Friends

I just want to say some words about problems of ethnic group, and what are the negative effects at societies ?
Let’s remember together what happened in France …at poor Paris’s neighborhoods last year .

Especially, it’s the first anniversary of sad events in Paris .
The French police killed some young French people who are African descent .the real reason of that was ethnic group , in fact , those people have suffered so much , not because they have black skin or they are Muslims , but they just came from Africa .

They have lost a lot of advantages , for example : they couldn’t have any chance to work at any official job, and they can’t have any kind of social security such as any person came from europe or USA , because the French government prefer them than people who came from Africa …

Of course , the results of that doings was that trouble events at all Paris’s streets .

Finally , the most important thing that I want to ask you about it :
Do you think idea “ethnic group” is a good thing for any societies ?!

I don’t think that


HI Tamara,

I don’t think one of parents must refuse his/her background,its not possible. I understand that if they claim for their children accept only one’s culture, then it will not be so easy to run from quarrels :smiley: , for my opinion. The other will claim the same.Why not mix the cultures? It will be very nice to see such families, where children know both mother’s and father’s culture, not only one’s.

As for me, ‘ethnic groups’ are not a problem everywhere, this problems’ solution depends on the country where ‘ethnic groups’ live. This problem depends on not only the government, it also could be possible if the citizens of the country support ’ ethnic group’ and take them as their brothers, as citizens of their country who have equal rights as they.For example, in my country, we have many ‘thnic groups’ , but we never show disrespect to them.So, I think ‘ethnic group’ doesn’t harm the society, if the government gives them equal rights, there will be no problem with them :smiley: I hope…

medeya2012, I agree, in general. Ideally. :slight_smile:

By the way, the funniest (to me) thing with the half-mixed children I know is the ‘formal’ defining of national identity by the ‘blood’ of only one of the two parents. Definite one…

Thus, in the former USSR, where civil passports had the special field for ‘nationality’, any person had been formally ‘identified’ and the formal rule was ‘identifying by the father’. I knew lots of amusing cases…

Moreover, those half-Jews (in the ‘Soviet rule’) who later emigrated to Israel, were identified there… quite differently, as in that culture children are identified by mother ‘blood’ (even more logical, isn’t it? :slight_smile: )

Unfortunately, and as a matter of fact, those people had plenty of problems in both countries… :frowning:

Hi Tamara,

You are right about ’ identifying by the father’ , but most half-mixed children are just like their mothers, they mostly take their mother’s culture.For example, I know most Azerbaijanians who married to Russian girls, and their children almost just Russians, they speak Russian since childhood, as their mothers speak in their native language at home.So, they look like Russians, and their manners are Russian manners:)

I’d be very curious to know in what way Russian and Azerbaijani manners differ from each other. Perhaps my question sounds na?ve, but I’m really interested in your personal opinion.

Hi,medeya2012! :smiley:

yes medeya2012,could you explain your personal opinion,please?


HI all :smiley:

I really couldn’t imagine you both would interested in this. OK, I can explain just how moslems and christians are different, so in that way Azerbaijani and Russian manners differ.I don’t want to say that Russians have bad manners, no,maybe you don’t understand me.I want to say that most Russians families in here give their children more independence than Azeri families.So,in the future they can solve every problem easier than we, because since childhood Russian parents give them independence.I have Russian cousins, :slight_smile: that’s why I know their caracters :slight_smile: don’t get me wrong.

I hope you both will be satisfied by( can I use by?)my explanation :smiley:

Thank you, Medeya, I’m satisfied with your response. :slight_smile: