How important are free learning materials to you?


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I’m an English teacher myself so …I’m always looking for new materials to improve my lessons and I also recommend my students websites where they can search materials for free since students usually do not have enough money to waste. It’s a shame that we throw away materials because the are old fashioned sometimes they new ones aren’t that good …

hi everybody,

Really English is more important language nowadays that we should learn it as well. then new technology imposed the new rules of living as how to read the news in Internet and books. So, I find a big help by reading your newsletter every time without putting them off because they’re absolutly interesting, however, I’ve asked myself several times why these style of letters are free. Today I’ve received your answer that satisfied my thaughts.

I always enjoy your english that i found it so simple for anyone who would like to learn and improve his english with a native english sepaker. as I know such determination gives more opportunity to open more windows of anglo saxon civilization. free is only free but it made a strong relationship between the honest people. thank you very much. mohand from Algiers Algeria.

Hi Mr. Torsten and everyone!

I only learn from this site. 2 years ago I was searching English tests online, and fortunately I found this advantageous learning site. Since that day I use it, especially I like to do tests, because I enlarge vocabulary doing them and learn how to use them in sentences…And I like to read posts of the members, learn from them too. Thanks Mr. Torsten, Mr. Alan and all collaborators of

And Omario, I absolutely agree with your opinions about sites…

kindest regards


Cordial saludo
para mi es muy importante el aprender este idioma, me gustaría si pudiera hacerme un test de conocimiento, pues mi intención junto con mi esposa, es irnos a vivir al Canadá, por su colaboración le agradezco,

y por lo de la pregunta sobre los libros gratis? no siempre lo gratis es bueno porque se pierde el interes,

Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen!

I’ll try to answer to this big question, too. YES, free learning materials are very important, most of all: VERY USEFUL! I’m a Romanian teacher and many times I find ideas of teaching topics here on your site. I even urge my students to follow you.

So… THANK YOU for your good work and keep going! I’ll always join you!

I feel I’m always learning in English, like an eternal student who loves to teach the few she knows to others, when I started in this career of continuous learning process, I used to buy books, magazines, newspapers, pay for institutes, and all resources I could have, if I find a student who has a good book, I asked him/her to lend it to me to take some photocopies and have a new resource to learn, also cable TV has been an important tool, when I started the initial years,… one time… investigating on the Internet which is always my passion specifically when I want to learn about a new topic of interest, I found English test net… and I couldn’t believe how lucky I could be, my eyes couldn’t believe what they were watching free resources, many different cultures speaking of a same topic so I was learning not only English here also I was learning different opinions of a same topic, different cultures and different customs, since then I have to say I recommended this page to all my student’s and friends interested on learning English.

Thanks English test net for the privilege of being one of the lucky ones who knows and uses this amazing page :slight_smile:

I’m also a regular user of I’m very grateful to Torsten for sending me his FREE lessons. Your free materials are useful for me because I can not afford English lessons. I like your essays very much.
Long live
Many thanks

Hi Julie,

I’m glad you like our free materials and I’m happy to see you have been making such great strides. Keep up the good work!

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ံHi everybody,

I am a user of The materials are great.The material will help to other people to improve their English skill.


hi iam appreciate you for this free course i reelly need this it is the way to improve my language because i used in my work

many thanks



It’s very very very importante materials!!! Thank you very very very much :wink:

Good morning Dear English-test teachers,
I really appreciate for your good essays. They are really good.
I try to read each of your essays carefully to catch the grammars you use.
Thank you again.

Hello Torsten,
I think this is one of the good ways to lmprove our English, there is good materials to practice our reading, writing and speaking. I want to practice everything and I will try to do it every day.



hi good evening
iwould like to say many thanks for your assistant to helpe us to improve our skills to learn english language specially to arab nation who are speaking arabic language

your faithful shahrazad

Hi all,
all materials you offer are great for English learner. I congratulate english-test team for that.

Hello Dear, I am Daniel from Ethiopia. I teach English for High School and College preparation But here Our resource of teaching is so little that I wanted to use this site for free. Moreover I am looking for further education either online or face to face for free.

hi every one,

This is Gul Naz. I use and find it so use full for learning, howevre the only problem is with me that i can not learn things easily please help me out to get read of this habit so that i can improve my english.


Hi everyone,
I am an English teacher from Myanmar. Being a teacher especially we, second language teachers need a lot of practice in order to brush up our English daily . To get such a practice this place is convenient for me as a variety of exercises can get or do one sitting. Here I get so many materials and idea as teaching aid. So, we should use such a valuable material whenever we are free. This is my opinion. How do you think?
Many thanks
Aung Moe