How good is your English?

Hi Dear Torsten!

Thanks for your previous answer! I have more one question.
I receveived an Email from an American and one sentence it was:…“I have been way to busy for anything”.
I did not understand why “way to busy” and no “way busy”.
May you explain me?

Thanks in advance!

Sandra - Brasil

Hi Sandra,

It’s a typo which should read ‘way too busy’ (much too busy).
Hope this helps.

TOEIC short conversations: Woman asks real estate agent how many of his new apartments he has found tenants for.[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Nola!
Although I teach English (and French),I know there are a lot of things for me to learn.I completely agree with you.As a persian proverb said,’'Do learn from cradle to grave!"
Best regards,

Hello everyone!
As a saying goes.“learn before you teach”.Do you agree with this saying? I like this saying very much. And then learning any language is
not very easy I think. However, I hard a saying in our country , exactly from one of my teachers, that is learning English is very easy but
hard to master. How do you think of this? And also I don’t know what master really means, a university degree or something else. If a
master means a university degree, how can we measure it , I mean especially in our country.
Let just me know if you have any idea about this.
I won’t take anymore of your time.
With best wishes.
Your lovingly,

Hello dear Mr.Torsten!
Nice to receive your e-mail. Thank you.

Each course has it’s OWN program, plan or way of teaching. And if we decide to take the course it will be better to accept and follow the rules of the course and try to be the best in studying. I only try to. My teachers will measure my knowledge checking my work.

Thank you very much.

Merry CHRISTMAS and HAPPY New Year !!!
Best wishes to my Best TEACHERS !!!

it very good but i need some english mattrails.

Hi Mr. Torsten,
I need to continue my advance course via mail. I didn’t understand how one can determine his/her level on the course so that the systems send advance or TOFEL lessens to him each 4 days?


Hi Soleil,

How would you determine your own level of English? For example, are you aware of the difference between ‘lessens’ and ‘lessons’? Also, you probably mean 'every four days? It seems to me you’ll be better of if you spend some time reviewing the basics again.

The question of this topic is not how the system determines your level of English but how YOU determine your level of English.


TOEIC listening, photographs: The horse race[YSaerTTEW443543]

Dear Torsten,

Many big thanks for your comments! I hope I can improve my English with your help!

Hello Mr Torsten
i cant say that what is my level i mean these day i love to talk in english and watching movie … but my writing skill in english is not so good…so previously i always avoid to write anything but these day i practice a lot… may be i will improve soon… after joining ur email english course… everyday i learn new things and meet new people… i read letters in form i enjoy listing the audio class…i go through vocabulary…and grammer class tooo…

thanks a lot for provide so much material in this site…
and many many happy new year…

hello,this is ashwin from india .
As english is not my mother tongue ,i am not commanding it but i can have good mean in my normal activities .if i am being in a formal way to talk i am feeling as i have to learn more and more.and i hope with your interactions i will make my job to success,thank you

its fantastic

i need to learn more please help me

fluency in speaking english is very poor please help me

Hello all,

I’ve never rated myself but I like to think that I take every opportunity to improve my communication skills.

It’s always inspiring to see people who want to improve. Online forums these days ridicule you for being a “grammar police” when you try to correct simple mistakes that others make. Its quite sad how Americans don’t know the difference between words like their/there, loose/lose etc. What’s worse, is they don’t care to learn :frowning:

Anyway, many thanks to you Torsten :cheers:


I took the TOEIC with 750 points. I think it’s an intermediate or upper-intermediate level.

I would be grateful if you could send me some lessons at the upper intermediate or advanced one.

Thanks a million!!

Hi Ellea,

I suggest you complete some of our advanced English tests. In addition, you might want to read English For Winners.

Let me know what you think.
Many thanks,

TOEIC listening, photographs: Running into the water[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten,
that’s a very interesting question. How to determine my english level, or my level in a given language? I coudn’t judge my skills with precision, because I never really attended a course. I rather learnt English without following the standard way. That’s why I have some blanks in the basics, but I understand almost everything I read. I can chat and understand a lecture in English. Though, I wouldn’t say that my level is “advanced”. On the other hand I found the first exercises I was sent quite boring. On the contrary, the lesson about the difference between say and tell was very useful. To sum it up, I wouldn’t start a course from the very beginning but rather at least from the intermediate level.

Honestly speaking, I can not tell whaty my levlel of the English languate is. I can’t determin if I am an intermediate or advanced level.

Although first time people have little difficult to comperhend my aim, but after a while we get each other.

I always comminicate with both natives and foreigners. but there is something i just relized which is my english is not improving as once it used to be. I am losing more vocabulary instead of earning them. i do not use them in my daily speech. When I am wathcing movies , i recall them nicely. When I read a letter , I got the clue but there are a punch of new words which still have difficult to guess their exact meaning or context.

I always recall what a teacher of mine said to me years ago. " practice makes perfect, the more you read, speak, listen and write , the more you make a progress. He told to read novels. The more books you read, the more english you know".

Any way, I not perfect yet because there are a lot of things that i need to know about the English language.

Now , I am planning to read novels to enhance my vocabulary. I also need to watch movies, listen the daily news and much more.

Then read peoms and litterature, lyrics.

Sir, My name is Antony. I would like to learn english, but I don’t know how to develop my english skills, my problem is I can’t communicate in English very fluently lots of grammatical mistakes happening, for this problem I’m very much afraid to talk in public with my friends and in some companies. I can’t even attend any interviews, If any one talks with me in english I’m very much tenssed and nervous, please help me. My question is can I develop my English skill by reading the vocabulary books or some basic english books. If I can please tell me the book and author names. please help me and solve my problem. ( my personal email ID is