How fast can you type?

hello , i’m gomez from cape town , i would like to congratulate our teacher for this great opportunitie he gives us ! because many people are looking for the same website but didn’t get it ! so i’m really enjoying all of the lessons we 're studing here!

It’s very helpful , it showing us how to conjugate the verb , how to form the sentences, and how to do anything in english! :lol: i’m very proud of him!

how ever , the typing lesson still my preocupation because when i want to type i used to type with one hands! but that’s not good but with time i’m now able to type with my two hands! and it’s so nice when you’re able to do something that you’re not able to do!

thanks for taking time to read my message,wish you all the best!

hi everybody , i know typing , it’s a skill , where you can write without seeing the letters on the keyboard i am fast in english but in Arabic i’m little a bit there r some rules for typing u have to practice it , every letter has a diffrent position u have to remeber them , u can learn it within 3 or 4 weeks , i enjoy myself when i’m writing cos it does not take time when i want to send a message or make me to think where is the letter i want to write.

hope the above was useful for everbody

thanks & regards

Hi Sasa,

It’s great to hear you are a fast typer. Please tell me how exactly you learned to type. I mean, did you use a special software program or did you teach yourself to type? Also, how much time do you spend typing texts in English every day?


TOEIC listening, photographs: Fueling your vehicle[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi sir,
Exactly I learned to type in typing institue English & Arabic both in 1- month that time there was no software I learned typing on old typing machines, then after I worked in a company the machines had changed to another advanced one, then the company brouth to us computers for which it was easy to me to use , and I spend one or two seconds if the text is short and aproximatley 5 mintes if the text is long … thanks


What do you think of “Dance Mat Typing” provided by the BBC? It’s the best program of its kind I have seen so far.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, talks: Announcing the closure of a newspaper[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hello every one,

I have never attended any typing course. I learnt typing all by my self. I started typing with one hand, one finger the day a friend of mine signed up a yahoo ID for me. At first, I was so slow but gradually my speed increased as I continued to use the computer quite often. Now am able to type with my two hands and more fingers.

I do not know how many wpm I can type but I type faster when I have someone dictating the words or sentences for me because am able to concentrate on the key board.

My problem now is having the ability to type correctly with out looking at the key board. I wish I could be able to use the right fingers for the keys correctly.

Julie. :slight_smile:

Hi Julie,

Thanks a lot for sharing your typing experiences with us. If you want to learn how to use your fingers properly, you should try the Dance Mat Typing page by the BBC. It’s an excellent interactive program that guides you through the process step by step.

Let me know what you think.

TOEIC listening, talks: A person announces a raffle explaining the rules and prizes[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Julie,
I used to have the same problem with you. I currently use Cool Type Master to improve my typing speed and keyboard accuracy. It works pretty fine for me. And now I can type 78 wpm. Hope it’s also helpful for you.

Hi Elzbieta,

Welcome to and many thanks for promoting Cool Type Master. The difference between Dance Mat Typing and Cool Type Master is that Dance Mat Typing is completely free to use while Cool Type Master is not.


TOEIC short conversations: A bank customer is withdrawing cash from his account[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Torsten
Thanks for your reply. I tried the dance mat typing and a friend of mine downloaded advanced speed typing 99 on my PC. I found both very Interesting and exciting to use.

And to Elzbieta
It’s nice to meet you on this forum. Thanks for your concern and your suggestion about using cool type master.
I have tried the dance mat typing and the one my friend downloaded on my PC. I have improved a lot on my typing speed and am getting to know how to use my fingers properly on the key board.

Hi Julie,

You said you downloaded the dance mat typing on your PC. So can you tell me how you can downloaded it, please?



I am very happy to learnnig to improve my english,
I want to thank Mr. Torsten and all the team whish a providing English lessons for me and other people.
Beira - Mozambique

Dear Macombo,

Welcome to and many thanks for your encouraging words. I’m very glad you like our email English course and look forward to your next forum posts. If you like you can tell us more about yourself. For example, what do you do?


TOEIC short conversations: Giving directions on how to get to the stadium[YSaerTTEW443543]

Hi Lan,

I think Julie meant another typing software program – not Dance Mat Typing. As far as i know, Dance Mat Typing is free but it’s only available online. Do you have permanent access to the Internet? If so, you really should try out Dance Mat Typing. You will love it!


TOEIC short conversations: A client thanks the gardener for his good work[YSaerTTEW443543]

34 words per minute (wpm) and DAMN PROUD OF IT!


Hi Tom,

How did you learn to type?[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: Customer calls to place an order for dog food.[YSaerTTEW443543]

I took a semester of Information Processing in high school. (or maybe it was just a quarter… can’t remember)

Hi Torsten,

I have never attended any typing course, but i wish to type faster. So that, i am using Cool Type Master and i will tell you my results soon .

Best wishes,


Hi Torsten,

I am writing to let you know that I type almost 20 letters per minute. I never attend a typing course, I will be very glade If I do so. Because I know that from the time that I will type fast it will be good for me.

I hope to hearing fro you,


Hi Macombo,

Thanks a lot for sharing your experiences with me. How did you like the Dance Mat Typing software?

TOEIC short conversations: Discussing the results of customer research campaign[YSaerTTEW443543]