Have you ever done something without thinking?

Today, I did something without thinking! A bit crazy I know!

Well, here it goes…

I decided to make a cup of coffee…yes, that was the plan of course! I then opened the drawer and without thinking… I took out a knife, yes a knife. All of sudden I realised, I had coffee in one hand and a knife in the other, it definitely wasn’t going to work! So I proceeded to get a spoon from the drawer and managed to make coffee without any further mindless choices.

Note to self: Use a spoon not a knife!


Have you got a funny story to tell? We all need them right now. :slight_smile:


Yes, Andrea, I had something similar happen to me a few years ago.

I made a cup of coffee, but as I always have it with milk I needed something to stir it with. Instead of taking a spoon out of the drawer I opened the kitchen cupboard below the drawer and there I was holding an egg-beater in my hand. I guess I was a bit distraught but it always happens in times of stress. :grinning:
Oh and do have a look at Mrs. Slocombe’s Hilarious Pussy Cat Moments. It’s very funny.


@Masme - Classic, Marc!! Thanks for sharing :slight_smile: Will do. :+1:


A couple of days ago I went into the bathroom to wash my hands with soap and after that instead of putting cream onto my hands I started rubbing toothpaste into them. Can you please make a meme for this too, @Andrea :-)?


Torsten, I’d like to have seen that. :grinning:


Many times…!
Actually I did so a while ago on that forum too… :sweat:

But on a more ‘amusing’ occasion (I wonder who would beat that)
Sometime ago I couldn’t find my tablet. So, I kept looking for it everywhere but to no avail. Then I tried to scratch my head in bemusement just to find out I was holding it all of the time… :woozy_face:

Severe, eh…?


A few days ago, I was reading some posts and suddenly I noticed one post that had received three likes. I noticed that the ‘hart’-button was coloured grey. Still not realising what was going on I got a bit irritable and said to myself: 'Why the bloody hell, can’t I give it a like? After pacing up and down for a few minutes, because I was tremendously agitated, I went back to my desk, took another look at the post and then it became clear that I was actually trying to like one my own posts. Mind, you, I’m not a narcist. :neutral_face:


Viviana, that’s just the same as looking for your reading glasses. You turn everthing upside down until you realise you’re wearing them. Hahahahahaha. :grinning:



Torsten, absolutely brilliant! I bet you had a great time!

Note to self: Use soap not toothpaste!



Wha ha ha!!! Oh dear! Sometimes, walking away and coming back makes things a lot clearer!! :wink:


@Vivianna - Yes, sometimes we look for something and it’s right in front of us! :slight_smile: Thanks for sharing. :wink:


Only difference is the tablet wasn’t on my head… :sweat_smile:


Universal wisdom, somehow! But it does…!


A very long while ago I lived in Antwerp and I worked in Brussels. I’d had a tough time at work once and I was very tired. When I arrived home, my mother gave me a call and asked me if she could come over and visit me. I said: ‘Yes, mum, but possibly not today, because I’m exhausted.’ ‘All right she said, but would tomorrow evening suit you, let’s say seven o’clock?’ ‘No problem, I’ll be expecting you.’ I said.
So after that, I took a shower, had something to eat and went to bed at 6.30. Then I woke up and I became very worried. Not even bothering to look at my alarm clock I tried calling my mother over and over again. When she finally picked up the phone. I said: ‘Mum, it’s Marc, you were supposed to visit me at seven, but I fell asleep. I’m sorry for not letting you in. Did you drive home safely?’
She mumbled: ‘Marc, do you realise it’s 2 a.m and I’m going to visit you at seven later on, so please, go back to bed.’ ‘Sorry for disturbing you.’ I said. ‘Never mind,’ she said. ‘You’re my son. You can call me at all hours of the day, I just hope this call wasn’t one of your little pranks.’ :grinning:
Yes, I and my mother ‘pranked’ each other a lot. We just loved it.

By the way is ‘supposed to’ correctly used in this context?


It’s a great relationship you had with your mum. Something to remember :slight_smile:

“supposed to” is used perfectly!! :slight_smile:

In this case we use “by” - “By the way”. Bye - is to say goodbye to someone.


Oh, yes I know, a homophone trap. I’ll correct it immediately. By the way there’s another one coming up. :heart:


I had been teaching all day and during recess our boss did not allow us to watch television or listen to the radio. So, I went home and I needed to collect a CD I’d ordered at Virgin. When I came out of the underground I went straight to this enormous Virgin shop in Antwerp, because it wasn’t so far away from the underground. When I entered the shop I saw two huge television screens with horrible images of two airplanes crashing into the Twin Towers in New York. I went to the counter and said to the shopkeeper: 'I’m here to collect my CD, but first, may I ask you, those two television screens, are they showing the lastest disaster film which will soon be released on DVD? He looked very strangely at me and said: ‘Are you joking?’ I said: ‘No, I’m not, but you’re looking at me so strangely and you even seem worried.’ ‘Well,’ the man said. ‘In case you didn’t know, what you can see on the screen is reality.’ I said: ‘Oh, my dear man, I didn’t realise. I’m so sorry, but I’m a teacher, no television, no radio the boss said.’ The man replied: ‘I understand.’ Also none of my colleagues had left the school that day to go the newsagent’s and buy a newspaper during lunch break.
So, I said to myself: ‘Clumsy Marc.’ :rage:


@Masme You’re not clumsy at all. This was something major that happened at the time. It’s something you weren’t aware of.

I was also teaching that day and was also in the unaware stage at the time. I understand completely. :roll_eyes::thinking:


Lucky me. :neutral_face:


Also thank you for sharing that information with me. :heart: