Guy Fawkes Night?

Hello Alan,
How are you doing? I hope you’re enjoying good health!

Thank you very much for that essay. Very good and useful to enrich my vocabulary to speak in English.
Really, there are certain celebrations that are often used fireworks, and balloons. Both can to cause a forest fire!
Regarding the proverbs, all of them, are the same used here in Brazil!
Besides instructive for learning English, this essay serves as an alert for when handling the fire in general way!
I liked it!


It was a fiery essay, all shrouded in fire. I’m fired with enthusiasm to learn more English after going through the essay. I’m a quadriplegic, and soon I’ll be in perfect shape but it would be like jumping out of frying pan into fire. I would be in dole queue. Although I’ve no intention of playing with fire, yet I’ll risk to work in a totally alien field. just keeping my fingers crossed to get a right opportunity.

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Hello, I just read this essay now, and I took this oportunty to read about this commemoration called Guy Fawkes Night.
The masks of Guy Fawkes was recently used in many manisfestation on Brazil.
I whould like to know better the connotation of this commemoration nowadays.
Thanks in advance!
Julianna Santos

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