Re: Leipzig Course -
Hi Scott,
here’s a summary of what we did on the 1st day. Eleven out of twelve female students attended. Most of them are A2, but one student, Melanie, is at a higher level.
One student, Heidrun, is a complete beginner being the only one that didn’t study English at school. The others have all studied English for 3-6 years, mainly at school.
The lessons included:
An introduction of myself and I told them a bit about
I explained that I’d like them to introduce their neighbour…
First I elicited/introduced some model questions for introductions and basic interview questions from Ss and wrote them on w/b. I also elicited and introduced some basic, relevant vocabulary to help them along.
e.g: This is_(name)_____ , she comes from__(Leipzig).
Introductions were read out by Ss. Next we brainstormed other things to ask in order to get more information, (Ss had right to ‘pass’). Some of the questions for interviewing each other were:
Are you married/divorced/single/widowed/living together?
Do you have any children/pets?
What are your hobbies/interests?
Do you speak any other languages? (Melanie speaks French)
Why do you want to learn English? (To improve my chances of finding a job was the overall answer)
How old are you?
What’s your star sign?
I monitored Ss interviewing each other and micro-taught as necessary.
Ss then switched roles. After this Ss read out the information about their neighbour.
Mistakes were then discussed and I got Ss to help each other when possible. We discussed any mistakes and model answers were given as necessary, e.g. Her likes to do sports. She don’t has a (pet). Ss were eager for me to translate as much as possible into German, but I explained the dangers of translating too much.
Then they got the chance to interview me in order to practice asking the questions again. Ss were very reluctant to participate.
We went through the alphabet and I got Ss to repeat the letter sounds. I asked them to give me examples of words with the sounds. We covered ‘Articles’ and hw we use them. Ss had to give some examples after I modelled a sentence for each article.
I asked Ss to write: How much time do you spend watching TV every day?
Describe your job/profession using 10 key words. Ss had to swap partners for this. They then went on to tell me about their partner’s job and how much time they spend watching TV. Before the describing part, I elicited some relavent adjectives and introduced some new ones. Ss had to use full sentences to read out the findings of their interviews. I monitored/micro-taught and we discussed mistakes as WC. I got them to try and self-correct as much possible.
I regluarly checked for understanding and clarified any lexical items throughout the lesson. We then went over: a couple/ a few/ several and I asked Ss to give some examples after I modelled some.
I introduced the Present Simple (You speak English), and asked Ss for the negative and question forms.
We looked at some uses of the PS: usual/repeated habits, generalizations/facts, scheduled events in the near future. All this was clarified using simple, basic vocabulary and Ss came up with some examples which they then put into negative and question form, e.g: I wake up at 6am / I don’t wake up at 6am / Do you wake up at 6am? We looked at contracted forms and strong forms as and when they came up.
All Ss registered on and did the tests. I don’t have the results of these from Frau. Metz yet, but most of them told me they scored between 30-40% with the exception of Melanie who scored 70%.
Overall, Ss enthusiasm was very limited despite my efforts in trying to motivate them; hopefully this will improve, though Frau. Metz told me that this was normal. I advised Ss that you will know what they did so it’s possible they may be tested - this surprised them! :shock:
The word ‘homework’ was not met with much enthusiasm. H/W set is to “Write 10 sentences about yourself.” It can be half an A4 page if they like! Hmm… This is due for tomorrow.
My recommendations are to ask them to describe their job/profession using 10 key words. We looked at words like: busy, stressfull, sending invoices, difficult, easy, fun, boring, offer… Ss made notes but didn’t get a chance to read them all out.
Some problem areas to go over: difference between her/she + have/has
I recommended they use to do online tests, clarify any grammar points and to ask questions.
You can go over the homework with them and I can go over any you give them (if that’s ok with you).
Have fun 2mrw!