Hi Shameem,
We had good couple days, firstly to answer question about Logistics. As you can see at the beginning of this thread on the forum, Torsten mentioned the course has is to help the students with finding a job, oral skills and office correspondence. I spoke with the ss and explained this and we agreed its what they expected. I agree with what you say about Annett, but I tend to send someone to work with her.
I began the lesson on Thursday by reviewing the ss homework you set on wednesday, they all did very well with it.
I then spent most of the morning reviewing the work we have done over the last 2 weeks and refreshing where needed.
We then did some brainstorming in ‘process of getting a job’, which we talked about:
-where we find job vacancies (newspapers, internet etc)
-applying for a job
-covering letters
I took them through writing a cv, firstly I took them through the essentials of writing an effective cv,and stressed how it should be no longer than 2 A4 sheets and how important the introduction is, because research shows you have 5-10 seconds to impress. Then i explained important information that is needed in a cv and to only highlight relevant information, then we talked about the format of a good cv.
To end the day we spoke about the ss ambitions and ideal jobs.
For there homework I asked them to start on a cv of their own.
We began with looking at the ss homework, then we expanded on this. I gave the ss a cv template and got them to write one using this and again they all did quite well.
We then went into ‘Telephone conversation’, I took them through the essentials of:
-Answering the phone
-Taking a message
We firstly talked about important things like always being polite, clarity, how to take a message and what information you need and how to deal with native speakers speaking too fast.
I gave ss a worksheet which had a Telephone conversation dialogue and a typical message form.
Petra and I sat back to back and read the dialogue while the other ss filles in the relevant information into the message table. I then asked the ss to work in pairs and design their own dialogues, which they each took it in turns to read out to rest of ss. Who again used the information to fill in message table. After a few rounds of roleplay they all seemed to get the hang of this.
Again towards the end of the day, I saw every ss energy level drop so we used the last hour just to talk about random things, ie this weeks news, London, music and English television. All the ss participated quite well.
Have fun on Monday.