Do you have jokes/riddles to share?

She can name him Nino.

That’s often the difficulty with humor in a foreign language. I remember when I first went to Germany there were certain types of “German jokes” or humor that I just didn’t get or think funny. It took me years to be able to appreciate some of them.

WOW(☆_☆)I was about to say the same thing too, honestly!I don’t think she’d appreciate it though.

Anyway, have anyone figured out Tom’s riddle?

Why not? Nino is not an unusual name in some parts of the world.

Well, from my part of the world, it is unusual, I think.Not bad for a nickname though.I can tell ‘Nino’ when he’s big enough to understand me, that a friend had given him the name :smiley:

p/s: were you serious when you suggested the name? I thought you were just teasing me(#^。^#)

Yes. I was perfectly serious.

But you never know what’s a good name in some country or which is not. I know a man from Indonesia whose nickname is Didi. He has kept this nickname in the United States. He must be very confident of his masculinity, because in this country Didi is a name for a little girl.

Didi sounds unisex to me.

Tom, can I also say, If you say my name, I die ?

Is it a thing?person?

Anyone help!

I guess the answer to Tom’s riddle might be “silence”.

I think you’ve got it, Amy. “Silence” does make sense.

Jeez, why can’t I think of that?

Ok,come on people! time for new riddles. hehe :lol:

Ok, here’s one riddle.It might be too easy, but it’s the only one I can think of.

What mouse and what duck has two legs?

Those living near nuclear power plant?

I take it you’re joking :lol:

HI Nina,

Hi Fang, that’s not a bad try at all. :smiley: However, Jamie, you got it right.I was really late to congratulate you on your correct answer to this riddle. :smiley: :lol:


I guess the mouse and duck that have two legs are…wow, I have no idea… :smiley:

Micky Mouse and Donald Duck? :wink:

Got you honey!

Yes, the only mouse who has two legs is Mickey (and Minnie apparently) but all ducks have two legs! (*^0^*)

that sounds very interesting
Let me tell you one puzzle and you try solve it.

Look carefuly on this photo

you must change one line’s place to be right matter


just move the vertical match from the furthest left to its opposite side changing number 2 to 3 so you will get 3+1=4…right?

YOu’re right, Nina. It is logical.

Since this thread has changed from jokes to brainteasers, let me contribute one.

If a table has four corners, and you saw off one of the corners, how many corners does it have now?

It would depend on how you sawed it!