A new season?

Hi dear Alan
In my country Iran we see more damages of global warming.Surface water sources lessen and lessen every year.Deserts are growing up and lakes are drying. I think developed countries have eminent role in these climate changes and they must try to help improve the condition prominently.
Many thanks

Thanks if you like sounds.

The end is near peaple, think about something!!!
The world is driven to an end, in fact we are driving it to that end. Some people just can’t understand the seriousity of such a dammage in the earth’ atmosphere. Our factories are increasing the heat in the apper atmosphere which will lead to a great meltdown of the ice in the earth’s poles, which will lead to the disappearance of some iles. Though some European countries feel happy about their new climate, later on they’ll feel the real dark side of such a change, as many countries are living catastrophies nowadays. Such as floods in some Asian countries, Afganistan, Kabul… and great forest’fires, such as those in Russia. Who ever thought that Russia will get worm one day???

Hi everybody. As you know the global warming affects the whole world and is very difficult to stop it, the reality is, that is destroying the peace and tranquility of all the inhabitants and only together we can at least save what is left. Here in Costa Rica we suffer floods and high temperatures as the whole world and is to sad that something like this happens knowing that the only guilt is ours, we have to work hard to help this place to be well again, is the only we have to live, avoiding all the things that affect it and taking care of it.

This situation has been reflecting in many countries. In Mexico there has been many huracanes an now we are suffering the consecuences in many places like Veracruz, Tabasco, Oaxaca, Chiapas only to mention some pleces in disaster.
How could we help to prevent this in the future years?

A new season, interesant subject, I admire, because our global earth had modificated a lot of years back for example in my country Perù , the coast, the mountain
were very different, but now have similar climate. The high mountans were covered for beautiful snows now thouse are simple mountains. The global warning affected
the climate condition from my country. Nevertheless we enjoy from comfortable climate yet.
I think also in a new season but that season we have its, yes. Only we must appreciate the marvel these our life with its four seasons ¡.

Dear Alan,

Your letter about the autumn and the global warming, contrary souvenir brought up in me.
But really here is the autumn, here it is again. I like it, only God knows why, but I love it.The autumn is beautiful but I could begin this letter till I didn’t finished with lot of autumn work what we have to do every autumn in the garden.To collect the nuts,to rake together fallen leaves, to cut down and burn the withered boughs, to plant the hardy annuals, to plant two fruit-trees /apricot tree and almond tree/ etc. This took lot of time.

"Total stranger are talking to each other. " - This happens when something unexpected thing occurs. “What is the reason?” -you ask. The hotter and hotter days. Now everybody knows this is the global warming not only in Great Britain but here in Hungary and in the whole Earth. The green house effect would be a normal thing - without it - life wouldn’t have organized on Earth, but since the industrial revolution we have been using more and more energy, so more and more carbon-dioxide, methane etc. These gas assemble together in the atmosphere which became like a gigantic greenhouse that it traps heat. These gas in the atmosphere behave like a giant piece of curved glass. The warming planet gives off heat energy which radiates out towards the space but this outgoing radiation does not pass through the atmosphere, but it is reflected back down to Earth. This is the bad greenhouse effect.

But I wrote down the whole that there is the recent danger. The melting on the Arctic and Antarctic began to cool the ocean and the Gulf Stream. We didn’t get over the fright from the global warming here is the worse the scientists foretell an earlier ice-age. It’s true this gets out the global warming. The strange people can talk again each other if they know about the cooling Gulf stream. It’s terrible. And it is fearsome what the scientists foresaw: the European raining summer with flood, the Pakistan flood, the earthfall in Chine and lot of other things what
came true. Really in this summer we didn’t suffer from heating. Few days ago in our country it happened a terrible catastrophe it is due to lot of rain.This kind of catastrophe never, nowhere happened in the world. There was a container more million of stere red sludge in it./ this is a by-product of the process of the alum-earth/ The rain eroded the container / after the catastrophe we saw the satellit photos / it was a hair-crack and it happened the break of the wall and than a tzunamy inundated three villages. I never seen such a terrible videos recording only catastrophe films and to see these people and their propriety what they gained in their life - it is harrowing. If this had happened at night everybody would have died. At noon, they could flee but there are dead and lot of people are in hospital.

I don’t want to be jinx but I recommend to read the effects the cooling Gulf stream for Great Britain.But not only for Great Britain for the whole world- I read it already.

Excuse me.
Thanks for your essay what I like always very much.
Kati Svaby

Hello my Teacher, Torsten,

I would like to ask you something. I received your letter yesterday:2010 October 8. 7:00
When I received your letter 3 page on the internet was full of letters. Today I could write my letters and I noticed at the end of the page:
“Stop watching this topic”
This isn’t unfortunately the first occasion when I write my letter /after one day/ this note can be seen.
What does it means?

Kati Svaby

Hello Kati,

That note is a link which allows you to choose not to receive any more notifications about posts in that topic.
If you don’t lick it you will continue to receive messages about that topic.
If you follow the link, then you can discontinue the messages.

It’s just a function of the website, not some sort of personal comment about you.

Hello BZ,

I missed you though I read your letters.
This letter caused me a little problem because " If you don’t lick it…expression I looked up everywhere but I didn 't find what this means. /is it correct here: what? / Write me please what it means.

Other I want to write to Torsten because I got a letter from him. But I don’t understand one sentence:
" Remember that you can always choose not to be notified of few messages by changing the appropriate setting in your profile." I don’t remember choosing anything similar.

Only I ask you for explanation of this sentence I don’t would like to implicate you in this matter. You can read today my answer on the forum because Torsten asked me to answer him on the forum.
Take care:
Kati Svaby

Hello Kati,

I’m sorry ‘If you don’t lick it’ was a typo. It should have read ‘If you don’t click it’, that is, if you don’t click on the link you will continue to receive messages.

Torsten’s sentence, ‘You can always choose not to be notified…’ means that if you wish to change this setting in your profile, you can. You haven’t changed these settings, which is why you are seeing the notifications in your e-mail. The link that is causing you concern is just a quick means of getting to the profile notifications page, so that if you don’t want to receive any more messages, you won’t have to.

The link appears on everybody’s notifications, not just yours.

Hello BZ,

Thanks for your answer.

I didn’t understand but this isn’t your mistake because I wrote in some translation page and I found out I don’t understand this sentence in Hungarian either.Why do I modify or change my profile. I don’t understand in this context "the profile " word either.

I write the letter to Torsten without understanding his sentence.

Thanks everything!!!

Hello Kati,

Your ‘profile’ is your options page on this website, which you can see by clicking on (choosing with the computer mouse) the link to ‘profile’ at the top of the pages (Along the same line where it says Logout Kati_Svaby in that red lettering which confused you some time ago). You would only change your ‘profile’ if you weren’t happy with the way you currently get messages. As long as you are happy with the way you get e-mails at the moment then you don’t need to do a thing.

Hello BZ,

Have you heard the noise: A great stone fell down from my heart. Now everything is clear. I am very nervous if I couldn’t understand anything.
You are very helpful.
Take care:

What a lovely way of putting it. Kati. :slight_smile:
I like the idea of a stone falling from your heart. It’s very poetic (as well as explaining clearly how it felt).

Thank you BZ,I estimate your praise.

Imagine, my son phoned me a half an hour ago and told me that they went away the spot where the red sludge flooded the villages. I don’t know how they did because the TV always says that it is severely closed. What he said I began to cry because he said this is a bigger catastrophe than a tzunamy because of after tzunamy the people can move back, but here the people have to look for an other place because this place -according to scientists- stay poisonous for 30 years or more.

Thanks again:


I am official , I work in ministry of Public work and Transport

I must confess I really got sucked into this article of the arguments for and against the concept of global warming. Really interesting indeed. Never did imagine it was such a propaganda as alluded to by Jamie K. However, I do like the sensitivity to environmental friendliness it strives to instill. I dont quite see how it is designed to keep the poor, poorer and the rich, richer though. I imagine countries even adopt tax reductions for production companies who do well in considering environmental impacts of their produce. All this in a bid to maintain a earth that retain its natural clime for the next generation of people. I think it is a noble course that should be commended. I come from Africa and I’ve witnessed how environmentally callous approaches to money making by some ‘rich people’ have cost lives, from water pollution to gas emissions and abject disregard for human hygiene and health in the name of increasing profit margins and capitalism.


The essay is well written and very descriptive. This is part of my problem when writing in English I am
not good at descriptive words.
