Your original clients

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-19 “Money Matters (2)”, question 3

Once you have built up your company, you must remember to keep in touch with your original .

(a) people
(b) contributors
(c) clients
(d) members

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/advan-19 “Money Matters (2)”, answer 3

Once you have built up your company, you must remember to keep in touch with your original clients.

Correct answer: (c) clients

Your answer was: [color=red]incorrect
Once you have built up your company, you must remember to keep in touch with your original contributors.

why clients and not any other of those’

[color=blue]Clients is the only word that makes sense in the given context.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: The shoe shop[YSaerTTEW443543]