Judge: Oh, so many cases to be judged today and they all look alike. Well, let’s get started. Raise your right hand and repeat after me.
Man: No, Your Honor. I don’t need a lawyer to defend me.
Judge: So, Mr. Fredric Winter Bottom, will defend himself, will he?
Man: No.
Judge: What? Who’ll defend you then?
Man: No one.
Judge: Why not?
Man: Because my name is not Fredric Winter Bottom. That is not who I am at all. That is not my identity.
Judge: What? What? That is not your identity? What is your identity?
Man: Chips. My name is Chips. You have the wrong person.
Judge: Ah, ah, But it says right here.
Man: You’re mistaken. You have the wrong case.
1-What does “You have the wrong case” mean?
2-What does "have " mean here?
3-What does "case " mean here?
Thank you