You have the wrong case

Judge: Oh, so many cases to be judged today and they all look alike. Well, let’s get started. Raise your right hand and repeat after me.


Man: No, Your Honor. I don’t need a lawyer to defend me.

Judge: So, Mr. Fredric Winter Bottom, will defend himself, will he?

Man: No.

Judge: What? Who’ll defend you then?

Man: No one.

Judge: Why not?

Man: Because my name is not Fredric Winter Bottom. That is not who I am at all. That is not my identity.

Judge: What? What? That is not your identity? What is your identity?

Man: Chips. My name is Chips. You have the wrong person.

Judge: Ah, ah, But it says right here.

Man: You’re mistaken. You have the wrong case.

1-What does “You have the wrong case” mean?

2-What does "have " mean here?

3-What does "case " mean here?

Thank you


The judge confused Chips with another man. Chips is not a defendant, so there is no case against Chips.

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Apparently Mr. Winterbottom has been charged with a crime and now his case is being heard by the judge. On the judge’s desk you see a stack of folders with papers in them. Each of these addresses a case against someone.

The case the judge is addressing now, that is that he has picked up to read and consider, is not the one pertaining to CHIPS.


Thank you so much, Torsten :rose:

Very nice.

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Thank you so much, Arinker :rose:

Very nice.

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