
Hello Torsten,

a.The skier is leaning backwards. – CORRECT
b.You can easily see the skier’s face.
c.Both ski sticks are in the air.
d.There are no shadows in the picture.

I got the picture controlled by several people and everybody told me that the ski sticks are in the air. And the skier’s centre of gravity can be backwards but he is leaning forwards.

So I think not the ‘a’ but the ‘c’ answer is correct.
Could you please to see this picture.
(Down hill skiing | english.best)

Many thanks:
Kati Svaby

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Hello Torsten,

One man in an orange jacket is standing in the road. – CORRECT
The cyclists are all coming towards the camera.
There are three cars in the picture.
The cyclists are all wearing red.

How many cars are there in the picture?

Kati Svaby

Hello Torten,

As you see I couldn’t leave the ETN. Many thanks that you didn’t delete my name. I am very sorry that I caused problems. I don’t want to justify myself, I know I am responsible for the mistakes. I don’t want to blame anyone only I look for my own mistakes.

I would have a request for you. Could you arrange my situation on the Forum. I 've logged in at the right corner under my pic, but it wasn’t enough I had to log in again.
And I have to log in after my every letters if I want to write a new one, and If I want to record my letter I have to log in again. This causes a lot of problems, for example as my logging in is deleted very frequently, and when I want delete sth I don’t give permit,(as I am unknown that my logging in became invalid) and I receive the message “You can delete only your own message.”

My request would be giving me back my normal status on ETN.

Many thanks.

Kati Svaby