writing posts in English and earning money (tested by me)

If you want to pracise your English and make a little money (let’s say, pocket money) I’d like to recommend you the Postloop.
I’ve been testing it for more than a week and I can vouch it works.

I’m writing this here for two reasons.

First: if you register using my reflink, I’ll get profits, of course:)
Second: it can help you improve your English. It works like this for me. It forces me (because I want to write post in order to earn points) to look up in a dictionary for vocabulary.

How does it work?

  1. You register here: postloop.com/invite/violino and follow the instructions.
  2. You write 10 posts on a trial forum.
  3. If you are accepted (the quality of posts matters), you can start writing for points and you change points for money.

Every 100 points = $5.
At this moment I have to write ca. 60 posts to gain 100 points. Usually even less, because I’ve got high rate (4,5 out of 5) so I get 0,5 point more for each post.

What’s important: you don’t invest your own money, so there’s no risk.

If anyone has questions, I’ll do my best to help. Especially that at the begining it may be a little confusing. It was for me at least.

Hello Violino,

Nice to meet you here. Thank you for the Postloop link and your encouraging words. I’m very interested in making money over the internet visa-vi improving English language skills. Though content writing would be a challenging task, I’d give it a try. I wish to have guidance and supports in this endeavor from the friendly hearts like you.

I already registered myself with Postloop. Please advice me how to proceed further.

With warm regards,


Hi, Mujibur, I wrote you a message via Postloop :slight_smile:
And here is my tutorial step by step. I hope it’ll help.


Hello Violino,

I think I could manage to register and subscribe in the Postloop forum. Now, I’m getting ready to post 10 contents for the Postloop portal site. Then I hope to contribute in the forum at a regular pace.

Please feel free to give me further guidance and suggestions if any.

With warm regards,
