Writing: According to figures from HCMC Statistics...

Please read:

According to figures from HCMC Statistics Department, the 9-month city industrial production had a total value of 40,230 billion VND equal to 73.5 % compared with the whole year plan and increased 15.3% against the same period of 1999.

1/Is it correct if I write: 40,230 and 73.5% ?(Please only tell me C or I)

2/In your opinions, why figures but not the figures?Do they have the same meaning?If not, what is the difference in meaning btw them?

3/If you think that figures sinply means some figures,why in Oranges are good (not All the oranges are good) , oranges means all oranges but here,figures only means some figures, but not all the figures?

4/Is figures the ellipsis of some figures?

5/In your opinions, why city industrial production but not city industry production ?Do they have the same meaning?If not, what is the difference in meaning btw them?

6/ In this context, the whole year plan= the year plan= all year plan?


  1. C

  2. You should only say “the figures” if there has been a previous reference to the particular figures.

  3. The word ‘figures’ has the same sense as ‘some figures’ here.

You don’t need to use the word ‘some’ because it is already clear from the context of the sentence that you do not mean “all of the figures that exist anywhere in the universe.

  1. I don’t know if I’d call it ‘ellipsis’. I simply see the word ‘some’ as being unnecessary.

  2. Industry production can basically be understood as “someone is making industries

  3. the whole year plan = the plan for the whole year
    (whole = complete, entire)

the year plan => I wouldn’t use this phrase as an equivalent
all year plan => I wouldn’t use this phrase

Hi teacher,

You wrote:

Industry production can basically be understood as “someone is making industries

Could you explain more clearly? I don’t now understand the difference btw them, Industry production and Industrial production


Industrial production refers to the production that takes place in industry. Basically, it refers to the goods that industries produce.

Industry production sounds like you want to produce an industry.

I understand now. Thanks