"Wow, is my roommate ever mad at me. He and his girlfriend started talking about politics and the military and, of course, I had to put in my two ..... worth. He said that I made him look stupid in front of her. I didn't mean to make him sound ignorant but he was wrong," Paul said to Ned.

"Wow, is my roommate ever mad at me. He and his girlfriend started talking about politics and the military and, of course, I had to put in my two ..... worth. He said that I made him look stupid in front of her. I didn't mean to make him sound ignorant but he was wrong," Paul said to Ned. (*) copy's (*) thoughts' (*) minds' (*) cents'

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14916,wow-is-my-roommate-ever-mad-at-me-he-and-his-girlfriend-started-talking-about-politics-and-the-military-and-of-course-i-had-to-put-in-my-two-___-worth-he-said-that-i-made-him-look-stupid-in-front-of-her-i-didnt-mean-to-make-him-sound-ignorant-but-he-was-wrong-paul-said-to-ned/