would you like vs. do you like?

I know that “would you like” means “do you like” in a polite way. However, I’m a bit confused. Can you help me with the following exampls:

1- Would you like to get up early?
is it correct? and why?

2- Do you like listening to music? what kinkd?
is it right? and why?

Your help is really appreciated.


1- Would you like to get up early?-- This is a correct polite request for information. The more casual version is ‘Do you want to get up early?’

2- Do you like listening to music? What kind?-- This is OK. It is a simple, objective inquiry for which there is no more polite form. Polite/casual forms are for requests, offers, etc. If the intent is to play the appropriate music, then the request for information would be ‘Would you like to listen to music? What kind?’