working together or alnoe in the class

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

When teachers assign projects on which students must work together, the students learn much more effectively than when they are asked to work alone on projects.

Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Deciding how to manage the class is one of the most important roles of a teacher because it has direct effects on children’s learning process. Some teachers want from students to do their assignments together while others decide that students do their works individually. I personally think that team work have great positive impacts on children’s interpersonal skills and their learning process.
To begin, I believe that when teachers want from student to work together, they will learn how to work in a team as a team member. This experience is very useful for them to enhance their interpersonal skills. If they work in a team or group they will learn how to communicate with other students and how to manage their relationship with other people. For example, My sister is a housewife and she is 35 years old. I remember when she wanted to prepare herself for universities entrance exam, she used to study individually in a room. She was in the room from morning to night and most the time she was alone.She did not do any thing rather than studying her books and notebooks. She did not have enough relationship with her friends and she did not have enough entertainment. First we thought that she will be successful but when she took exam she was not accepted in a university. I think that being alone all the time has had negative effectson her soul and has made her fatigued and tired. Some years later she started to work in company but she was not successful due to the fact she did not know how to manage her relationship with her colleagues. Now she is a housewife. As you can see, learning how to work in a team have positive effects on children’s interpersonal skills.
Furthermore, when children work together they will learn lots of skills from each other. For instance when I was ten years old I was very interested to talk with tourists which were coming to our city. Therefore I asked my father to register me in an Engliah class.When I attended English class our teacher told us that students should speak together in English 10 minutes in each session. I think that it had great impact on my speaking skill. As you can see, working children together may have improve their skills.

To sum up, I think that educational ministry of countries should enforce teachers to want their students work together and them how to work in a team.

TOEFL listening lectures: What aspect of USA Today does the professor mainly discuss?

Hi Mahdi, the writing in this essay was really excellent and your introduction and entire essay had very effective formats. Unfortunately, your thesis statement and first body paragraph had what I think is a very big problem, which I am afraid would negatively affect your score. See the details below.