Why is the word smiles the longest word in English?


Why is the word smiles the longest word in the English language?


Hi Alan,

I don?t know about the allowed max speed in the UK but as much as I know in the US it is 55 mph. So it definitely would take a car driver in the US more than one minute to pass your word. But also if the allowed max speed in the US would be 5 mph higher you couldn?t pass it in one minute, could you?


Hi, Michael! :slight_smile:

Your the mile-a-minute answer has given no chance to such a slooooooooooooow-witted peeeeeeeeeerson as me :slight_smile:

70 mph
:slight_smile: :wink:

By the way, once I met that record-holder (the longest-English-word) somewhere on the Internet…
That’s unbelievable… what people can do with their language, I mean :slight_smile:


Hey Michael! 8)

Which state (or states) do you think has a speed limit of only 55 mph ? :lol:


Because you can find between the first “s” and the last “s” there is “mile” , s_mile_s . Of course, Joking! :smiley:

Fang, I agree… :lol: thousands of miles :lol:
Intelligent :smiley: !