Why do you use word "stuck" when the word "adhered"?

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/inter-39 “Yes, Yes, Yes”, question 4

I know that they have all abandoned you one by one but I hope you won’t forget I’ve by you from the beginning.

(a) adhered
(b) fastened
(c) joined
(d) stuck

Test No. [color=blue]incompl/inter-39 “Yes, Yes, Yes”, answer 4

I know that they have all abandoned you one by one but I hope you won’t forget I’ve stuck by you from the beginning.

Correct answer: (d) stuck

Hello Alan and Torsten. Why do you use word “stuck” when the word “adhered” is appropriate too?
Terminator :evil:

Dear Terminator,

When you stick by somebody you support and help them. You probably know how tricky phrasal verbs can be - ‘to stick by’ means almost the same as ‘to stand by someone’. Both are phrasal verbs.

A more formal expression with similar meanig is ‘to adhere to somebody’ but you have to use the verb ‘adhere’ with the preposition to not by.

I know that they have all abandoned you one by one but I hope you won’t forget I’ve stuck by you from the beginning.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC listening, photographs: Getting water[YSaerTTEW443543]

Thank you .

Terminator. :evil: