why do people's stomach rumble? Correct?

Hi teachers,

  1. Have you ever ridden an elevator/lift before? OR Have you ever sat on an elevator/lift before?

  2. You had it seen too? What does it mean?

  3. Why do our stomach rumble? Correct?

  4. Why do people’s stomach rumble? Correct?

Many thanks in advance.

  1. Have you ever ridden an elevator/lift before? OR Have you ever sat on an elevator/lift before?

Have you ever been in an elevator/lift?
Have you been in an elevator/lift before?

2) You had it seen too? What does it mean?

Doesn’t look right to me - do you mean:

You saw it to? = you want to check someone saw something that you saw (often something unexpected so it may be hard to believe you saw it)

  1. Why do our stomach rumble? Correct?

Why do our stomachs rumble?

4) Why do people’s stomach rumble? Correct?

Why do people’s stomachs rumble?

I rode an elevator when I went there. Correct?

Thank you, IELt. :slight_smile:

Here in the US, people usually say their stomach “growls” but rumble doesn’t sound that bad.

You could say. I went to London last week. I rode an elevator when I went there.

But you would say: I went to your office on the 12th floor. I rode an elevator to get there. {Or better, “I took an elevator to get there.”}

As you say, it’s the difference between US and British English.

I never hear anyone in UK say ‘ride’ an elevator, (we do say ‘take’ though). Not really heard ‘growls’ either, always ‘rumbling stomach’.

Thank you, S.r Luschen & Buddy