Whom I left early yesterday morning

Hello everyone,

Before the 1954 television play Nineteen Eighty-Four begins a BBC narrator appears on the screen and says:

Last Sunday before the play, we gave a warning suggesting, perhaps, that you might not wish some members of your family circle to watch this piece. So much has happened since then,
so much has been written and so much said, there’s little more I need add. We have heard words like “disgusting” and “immoral” used. Well, the play is none of these things, but it is grim, frightening and at times, shocking… Now, tonight, I’m thinking particularly
of the new viewers in Aberdeen whom I left early yesterday morning.

The phrase in question is at 0.33.

Does “whom I left early yesterday morning” mean the new viewers I said goodbye to on TV?

Thank you.

I wish I could help, but I haven’t got the slightest, you know.

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Oh, it’s completely OK, don’t worry, Marc.

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Yes, that is what he means.


Thank you, NearlyNapping.

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