"Which place to you want to go this weekend? On one ....., there is the blues concert. On the other, there is the salmon festival. Either choice sounds good to me, so it is your decision," Chris told his wife.

"Which place to you want to go this weekend? On one ....., there is the blues concert. On the other, there is the salmon festival. Either choice sounds good to me, so it is your decision," Chris told his wife. (*) hand (*) side (*) foot (*) coin

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://english.best/questions/14565,which-place-to-you-want-to-go-this-weekend-on-one-___-there-is-the-blues-concert-on-the-other-there-is-the-salmon-festival-either-choice-sounds-good-to-me-so-it-is-your-decision-chris-told-his-wife/