Whether parents should help determine the future of their children

Evidently, parents play a crucial role in their children’s life, and are in charge of guiding their children in their developing stage. However, this responsibility should never go too far. From my perspective, children should be given enough chances to make their own decisions and chose their own ways.

First of all, making their own decisions helps children acquire ability of independence, which is a primary goal of family education. “The responsibility and obligation that the education carried is to impart the young generation sufficient qualities and abilities to settle down themselves in the society.” This famous remark by a well-known educator in my country is the real portraiture of successful education. As an integral part of education, family education, in which parents are the direct supervisors of children, should follow this true definition of education, aiming at cultivating children to acquire a sense of self reliance and become capable of being on their own feet. Thus, adequate parents are supported to guide the young to make decisions for themselves on purpose.

Furthermore, realistically, as children grow up, there are situations when parents are not competent of choosing ways ahead wisely for their children, for what the youth are going to experience might be quite different with the past generation have. Sometimes, even parents who have glorious experiences behind them are not always relaxed about the splendid future before their children, not to speak of those with limited orbits. I can attest to that. When I choose potential schools for my graduate study abroad, my well-educated parents just trust and respect my decisions, for they know little about my major.

Finally, differences definitions of pleasure arise out of variations among individuals, and the young are more likely to find their true happiness when provided enough space to choose their own way. If, for instance, a child has a totally different opinion on his own future with their parents, he should be encouraged to trust his own talents and interests, instead of being forcing to follow his parents’ advices, and therefore his path tends to make sense in the end.

In conclusion, parents can never take control of their children’s life. Children are after all who they are. Making crucial decisions on their own is the way for them to seek their own lives independently, joyfully and successfully.

TOEFL listening discussions: An assistant lecturer talking to a new student

Whether parents should help determine the future of their children or children are allowed to make their own choices.

Evidently, parents play a crucial role in their children’s LIVES, and are in charge of guiding their children in their developing stageS. However, this responsibility should never go too far. From my perspective, children should be given enough chances to make their own decisions and choOse their own ways.

First of all, making their own decisions helps children acquire THE ability of independence, which is a primary goal of family education. “The responsibility and obligation that the education carrieS is to impart TO the young generation sufficient qualities and abilities to settle down themselves in the society.” This famous remark by a well-known educator in my country is the real portraiture of successful education. As an integral part of education, family education, in which parents are the direct supervisors of children, should follow this true definition of education, aiming at cultivating children to acquire a sense of self reliance and becomING capable of /being/STANDING/ on their own feet. Thus, /adequate/INTELLIGENT/ parents are supported to guide the young to make decisions for themselves on purpose.

Furthermore, realistically, as children grow up, there are situations when parents are not competent IN choosing THE ways ahead wisely for their children, for what the youth are going to experience might be quite different with WHAT the past generation have. Sometimes, even parents who have glorious experiences behind them(,) are not always relaxed about the splendid future before their children, not to speak of those with limited orbits. I can attest to that. When I CHOSE potential schools for my graduate study abroad, my well-educated parents just trustED and respectED my decisions, for they KNEW little about my major.

Finally, differenT definitions of pleasure arise out of variations among individuals, and the young are more likely to find their true happiness when provided WITH enough space to choose their own way. If, for instance, a child has a totally different opinion on his own future /with their/THAN ITS/ parents, he should be encouraged to trust his own talents and interests, instead of being forcED INto followING his parents’ ADVICE, and therefore his path tends to make sense in the end.

In conclusion, parents /can/SHOULD/ never take control of their children’s LIVES. Children are after all who they are. Making crucial decisions on their own is the way for them to seek their own lives independently, joyfully and successfully.
A well constructed essay Hallie.

Kitos. 8/10

Thank you very much!