"When people succeed, it is because of hard work.

“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

Many people have asked themselves how rich men have succeeded in their life. Luck or hard work?Personally I believe both are going hand by hand, but luck has only infinitesimal part in your career .

First, working hard to achieve your personal points is a very good way to succeed. Tough labor, talent, luck go together. Talent is just a piece in your success, without putting effort you will not accomplish your objects. However, destiny is thankful to those who really want to be the best in their realm. In addition, lets say for example you achieve what you’ve wanted and worked for, the pleasure of the completed mission is much bigger. It is because you know what you have passed to reach this level.

Second, nothing is impossible with hard labor. People know they can reach everything they want, because tough work never fails. If you practice or study as much as possible the success can not miss you. For example if an athlete gives his 100% efforts the result will come not ever. Of course, avoiding injures require some luck. Spending a lot of time in the gym or training will show its effect in your performances.

Third, some millionaires have earned their fortune from lottery. Others from gambling. Personally I believe our society only can suffer from easy-gained fortune. There will be no balance between lucky and hard working people. Life would become much more unjustified and imaginative. Every man will face hard labor in one or other way, it is just about a time. However, if you are working hard, this stage of your life will be much easier to pass trough.

To sum up I prefer to work hard and to stay calm in my mind. Instead of imaging some non-real things. Destiny support the brave and protect those who choose the harder way. And it is to work as hard as possible and you will succeed.
(322 words)

TOEFL listening discussions: What will the student try to do with his next essay?

“When people succeed, it is because of hard work. Luck has nothing to do with success.” Do you agree or disagree with the quotation above? Use specific reasons and examples to explain your position.

Many people have asked themselves how rich men have succeeded in their life. Luck or hard work? Personally I believe both go hand by hand, but luck plays only an infinitesimal part in the success of your career .

First, working hard to achieve your personal goals is a very good way to succeed. Tough labour, talent, luck, all go together. Talent is just a piece in your success. Without putting effort in you will not accomplish your objectsives However, destiny is benevolent to those who really want to be the best in their realm. In addition, lets say for example you achieve what you’ve wanted and worked for, the pleasure of the completed mission is much greater. It is because you know what you have given to reach this level.

Second, nothing is impossible with hard work. People know they can reach everything they want, because hard work never fails. If you practice or study as much as possible success cannot pass you by. For example if an athlete gives less than 100% effort, the results will never come. Of course, avoiding injures require some luck. Spending a lot of time in the gym or training will show its effect in your performances.

Third, some millionaires have earned their fortune from winning the lottery. Others from gambling. Personally I believe our society only can suffer from easyily-gained fortunes. There will be no balance between lucky and hard working people. Life would become much more unjustified and unimaginative. Every man will face hard labour in one way or the other . It is only a matter of time. However, if you are working hard, this stage of your life will be much easier to pass trough.

To sum up I prefer to work hard and to stay calm in my mind. Instead of imaging some non-real things. Destiny supports the brave and protects those who choose the harder way. If yours is to work as hard as possible then you will succeed.

A basically very good essay Neacel. You have it in you to become a very good writer.

Kitos. 8/10