What's the right pronunciation of the word "touch"?

the word “touch”.
answer #1 or #2, please?

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.

Please listen to my recording and respond with a voice message too. Many thanks.


It’s the north and south British English thing again. I would say -


thank you very much!

I think you can easily recognise the difference between two native speakers accents.

Mine is a Northern accent whilst Alan’s is a Southern,or middle English accent.
More refined and far more clear.

Subway, when you are holding a protracted conversation with another person, especially an English person, then I’m pretty confident that they would have no problem understanding the words that you are using.

Nice accent too. Don’t try to change it.


thank you very much.
by the way, I think the British accent is definitely the most beautiful one.

Here is how I pronounce the word ‘touch’.[YSaerTTEW443543]

TOEIC short conversations: An employee ask her co-worker for small change[YSaerTTEW443543]