What's the point, even?

  • What motivates a guy to randomly contact his ex (from a serious relationship) asking if they can be friends after a substantial amount of time has passed sinve the break up? What’s the point, even? I mean, doesn’t it just usually bring back bad memories, cause turmoil in possible new relationships.

  • Could you tell me the meaning of “What’s the point, even?” in this context?

Thanks very much to friends,


Hi NamSteven

In the context, “What’s the point?” means “What is the reason (for doing that)?” or simply “Why?”

The question itself is rhetorical and suggests that the speaker thinks there is no good reason to do it/there is no point in doing it.

The word “even” was added to the question as an intensifier. To me, it emphasizes the speaker’s feeling that there is no reason at all.


I would say: Exactly/ I mean to say/really what’s the point/purpose?
