
Who can help me with this exercise?
I have to begin the sentences with the words in brackets:
1.You can rely on me for anything that needs doing.(whatever)
2.No matter how many times I wash my hair, it always looks greasy.(however)
3.It doesn’t matter what you do ,don’t tell my mum I’ve lost her camera.(whatever)
4.It doesn’t matter which road you take to get to the station, it’ll take the same amount of time.(whichever)
5.I don’t know who wrote this, but they certainly can’t spell.(whoever)
6.It doesn’t matter when I ring Mick, he’s always out.(whenever)

It could be:
1.Whatever you need doing ,you can rely on me.
2.However much I wash my hair,it always looks greasy.
3.Whatever you do ,don’t tell my mum I’ve lost her camera.
4.Whicheverroad you take to get to the station, it’ll take the same amount of time.
5.Whoever wrote this,certainly can’t spell.
6.Whenever I ring Mick, he’s always out.

Thank you!


You have chosen the right word in all the sentences.


Hi Alan,

It seems that it is not about choosing the right word, but about rewriting those sentences using the given words.

Is this correct? I could not quite explain why, but that seems a little awkward.
I would change that with ‘Whatever needs doing, you can rely on me.’

This one is probably better, Antonella: ‘However often I wash my hair, it always looks greasy.’

Thank you

Hi Cristina,

In your alternative for ‘whatever you need doing’, the meaning is the same. I disagree with your suggestion of ‘however often’. I think a better alternative would be: However many times …
